Anyone know exactly why CJ had to take off the orange shoes ?? was it because of the pictures of himself or because of the tiger stripes ? because I saw highlights of the vikings game where he had orangeish shoeshas this been happening for a while, and just now he got caught ?Feely said today, he understands the rule... what re they trying to protect ?
12/19/2006 5:53:58 PM
Its the uniform nazis. They have a guy who's job is specifically to check the uniforms to make sure socks are right, shirts are tucked in, etc. Apparently you can't have customized shoes.
12/19/2006 5:56:00 PM
hrm I guess lasst weeks orange shoes were a team shoe ...feely said he got introuble for showing too much leg :x
12/19/2006 5:57:11 PM
peyton manning wanted to wear black hi tops a few years back to honor johnny unitas and they wouldn't let him do it, so it's not just a chad johnson issue
12/19/2006 6:13:32 PM
I mean I realize it's everyone subjected to this. 85's just the most recent example. I still want to know, what are they protecting by making everyone wear black or white shoes ?
12/19/2006 6:16:01 PM
I think the right-to-work of non-black minority shoes is being violated.
12/19/2006 6:24:12 PM