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 Message Boards » » New poll says racism persists Page [1]  
Zinc Saucier
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Shocking, I know, but watch the video link in the news story, the ending is just classic:

Quote :
" Poll: Most Americans see lingering racism -- in others
POSTED: 1:02 p.m. EST, December 12, 2006

(CNN) -- Most Americans, white and black, see racism as a lingering problem in the United States, and many say they know people who are racist, according to a new poll.

But few Americans of either race -- just one out of eight -- consider themselves racist.

And experts say racism has evolved from the days of Jim Crow to the point that people may not even recognize it in themselves. (Watch people in a Texas town where blacks are still afraid to stop Video)

A poll conducted last week by Opinion Research Corp. for CNN indicates that whites and blacks disagree on how serious a problem racial bias is in the United States.

Almost half of black respondents to the poll -- 49 percent -- said racism is a "very serious" problem, while 18 percent of whites shared that view. Forty-eight percent of whites and 35 percent of blacks chose the description "somewhat serious."

Asked if they know someone they consider racist, 43 percent of whites and 48 percent of blacks said yes.

But just 13 percent of whites and 12 percent of blacks consider themselves racially biased.

Professor Jack Dovidio of the University of Connecticut, who has researched racism for more than 30 years, estimates up to 80 percent of white Americans have racist feelings they may not even recognize.

"We've reached a point that racism is like a virus that has mutated into a new form that we don't recognize," Dovidio said.

He added that 21st-century racism is different from that of the past.

"Contemporary racism is not conscious, and it is not accompanied by dislike, so it gets expressed in indirect, subtle ways," he said.

That "stealth" discrimination reveals itself in many different situations.

A three-year undercover investigation by the National Fair Housing Alliance found that real estate agents steered whites away from integrated neighborhoods and steered blacks in to predominantly black neighborhoods.

Racism also can be a factor in getting a job.

Candidates named Emily O'Brien or Neil McCarthy were much more likely to get calls back from potential employers than applicants named Tamika Williams and Jamal Jackson, even though they had the same credentials, according to a study by the University of Chicago.

Racial bias may even determine whether you can flag a cab.

New York Times writer Calvin Sims wrote a recent article about all the cabdrivers that refused to stop for him.

"If a cab passes you by, obviously it is frustrating, it's degrading and it's just really confusing, because this is akin to being in the South and being refused service at a lunch counter, which is what happened in the 60s and 70s," he said.

The Opinion Research poll shows that blacks and whites disagree on how each race feels about the other.

Asked how many whites dislike blacks, 40 percent of black respondents said "all" or "many." Twenty-six percent of whites chose one of those replies.

On the question of how many blacks dislike whites, 33 percent of blacks said "all" or "many," while 38 percent of whites agreed -- a wash because of the poll's 5 percent margin of error.

About half of black respondents said they had been a victim of discrimination because of their race. A little more than a quarter of whites said they had been victims of racial discrimination.

The poll was based on phone interviews conducted December 5 through Thursday with 1,207 Americans, including 328 blacks and 703 non-Hispanic whites. "

12/12/2006 1:58:37 PM

11931 Posts
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Cockbean jew nigger biscut.

12/12/2006 2:07:57 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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That made my day.

Thank you, ShinAntonio...

12/12/2006 2:18:53 PM

All American
3468 Posts
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It doesn't matter... we all hate Mexicans either way.

12/12/2006 2:38:31 PM

All American
5596 Posts
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Quote :
"Everyone's A Little Bit Racist Lyrics

Say, Kate, can I ask you a question?

Kate Monster:

Well, you know Trekkie Monster upstairs?

Kate Monster:
Uh huh.

Well, he's Trekkie Monster, and you're Kate Monster.

Kate Monster:

You're both Monsters.

Kate Monster:

Are you two related?

Kate Monster:
What?! Princeton, I'm surprised at you! I find that racist!

Oh, well, I'm sorry! I was just asking!

Kate Monster:
Well, it's a touchy subject.
No, not all Monsters are related.
What are you trying say, huh?
That we all look the same to you?
Huh, huh, huh?

No, no, no, not at all. I'm sorry,
I guess that was a little racist.

Kate Monster:
I should say so. You should be much more
careful when you're talking about the
sensitive subject of race.

Well, look who's talking!

Kate Monster:
What do you mean?

What about that special Monster School you told me about?

Kate Monster:
What about it?

Could someone like me go there?

Kate Monster:
No, we don't want people like you-

You see?!

You're a little bit racist.

Kate Monster:
Well, you're a little bit too.

I guess we're both a little bit racist.

Kate Monster:
Admitting it is not an easy thing to do...

But I guess it's true.

Kate Monster:
Between me and you,
I think

Everyone's a little bit racist
Doesn't mean we go
Around committing hate crimes.
Look around and you will find
No one's really color blind.
Maybe it's a fact
We all should face
Everyone makes judgments
Based on race.

Now not big judgments, like who to hire
or who to buy a newspaper from -

Kate Monster:

No, just little judgments like thinking that Mexican
busboys should learn to speak goddamn English!

Kate Monster:

Everyone's a little bit racist
So, everyone's a little bit racist
Ethinic jokes might be uncouth,
But you laugh because
They're based on truth.
Don't take them as
Personal attacks.
Everyone enjoys them -
So relax!

All right, stop me if you've heard this one.

Kate Monster:

There's a plan going down and there's only
one paracute. And there's a rabbi, a priest...

Kate Monster:
And a black guy!

Gary Coleman:
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Kate?

Kate Monster:

Gary Coleman:
You were telling a black joke!

Well, sure, Gary, but lots of people tell black jokes.

Gary Coleman:
I don't.

Well, of course you don't - you're black!
But I bet you tell Polack jokes, right?

Gary Coleman:
Well, sure I do. Those stupid Polacks!

Now, don't you think that's a little racist?

Gary Coleman:
Well, damn, I guess you're right.

Kate Monster:
You're a little bit racist.

Gary Coleman:
Well, you're a little bit too.

We're all a little bit racist.

Gary Coleman:
I think that I would
Have to agree with you.

Princeton/Kate Monster:
We're glad you do.

Gary Coleman:
It's sad but true!
Everyone's a little bit racist -

All right!

Kate Monster:
All right!

All right!

Gary Coleman:
All right!
Bigotry has never been
Exclusively white

If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
Even though we all know
That it's wrong,
Maybe it would help us
Get along.

Oh, Christ do I feel good.

Gary Coleman:
Now there was a fine upstanding black man!


Gary Coleman:
Jesus Christ.

Kate Monster:
But, Gary, Jesus was white.

Gary Coleman:
No, Jesus was black.

Kate Monster:
No, Jesus was white.

Gary Coleman:
No, I'm pretty sure that Jesus was black-

Guys, guys...Jesus was Jewish!

Hey guys, what are you laughing about?

Gary Coleman:


Christmas Eve:
BRIAN! Come back here!
You take out lecycuraburs!

What's that mean?

Um, recyclables.
Hey, don't laugh at her!
How many languages do you speak?

Kate Monster:
Oh, come off it, Brian!
Everyone's a little bit racist.

I'm not!

Oh no?


How many Oriental wives
Have you got?

Christmas Eve:
What? Brian!

Brian, buddy, where you been?
The term is Asian-American!

Christmas Eve:
I know you are no
Intending to be
But calling me Oriental -
Offensive to me!

I'm sorry, honey, I love you.

Christmas Eve:
And I love you.

But you're racist, too.

Christmas Eve:
Yes, I know.
The Jews have all
The money
And the whites have all
The power.
And I'm always in taxi-cab
With driver who no shower!

Me too!

Kate Monster:
Me too!

Gary Coleman:
I can't even get a taxi!

Everyone's a little bit racist
It's true.
But everyone is just about
As racist as you!
If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
Maybe we could live in -

Christmas Eve:
Evlyone's a ritter bit lacist!"

12/12/2006 2:46:43 PM

All American
14039 Posts
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another reason why texas is one of my least favorite states


holy fuck

12/12/2006 3:03:38 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Racism sure seems to thrive here in the tubes.

12/12/2006 3:39:02 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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12/12/2006 4:10:18 PM

68205 Posts
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i though this thread was about the TWW poll

12/12/2006 4:20:22 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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Quote :
"Racism also can be a factor in getting a job.

Candidates named Emily O'Brien or Neil McCarthy were much more likely to get calls back from potential employers than applicants named Tamika Williams and Jamal Jackson, even though they had the same credentials, according to a study by the University of Chicago."


12/12/2006 5:26:21 PM

All American
2588 Posts
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ehh why didn't they test names like Moonbean O'Brien or Windsong McCarthy vs Tamika Willams and Jamal Jackson. More like prejudice against retarded names than racism.

12/12/2006 5:47:57 PM

39171 Posts
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that poll is RACIST

12/12/2006 6:48:41 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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^^ i dont wanna be that guy but....

White names are the only right names!!!!!

AM I RIGHT!!!!!!!

fuck those other people!!

12/12/2006 7:55:51 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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omg jabba the hut is racist

12/12/2006 11:34:17 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26813 Posts
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As if anyone of any color would want to eat with that whale.

[Edited on December 13, 2006 at 12:05 AM. Reason : That's where I draw the line.]

12/12/2006 11:54:55 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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of course no one would want to eat with that fat bitch.......she'd eat all your food

12/13/2006 12:13:04 AM

All American
2588 Posts
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Well I would say I have never met someone who wasn't white named Windsong or Moonbeam, so those are "white" names so I think you miss the point.

It has nothing to do with race, but it does have to do with culture and what sounds professional. Using that as evidence of racism is stupid.

12/13/2006 12:31:50 AM

All American
34517 Posts
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So you're saying that the name "Neil" is more professional than "Jamal?" And there is something objectively wrong with the name "Tamika?"

12/13/2006 12:38:00 AM

All American
60354 Posts
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Quote :
"Racism sure seems to thrive here in the tubes."

first tww post that made me lol in months

12/13/2006 12:43:07 AM

Shivan Bird
Football time
11094 Posts
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Quote :
"It has nothing to do with race, but it does have to do with culture and what sounds professional. Using that as evidence of racism is stupid."

"Bad decision by Jamal to be named Jamal. We should go with somone more professional like Neil."

Yeah, that's not racist.

12/13/2006 8:48:22 AM

60006 Posts
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parents are idiots for naming their kids the way they do

talk about starting a kid off on the wrong foot

12/13/2006 9:28:20 AM

Zinc Saucier
18949 Posts
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There are some dumb names floating around out there, but "Jamal" and "Tamika" don't fit in that group.

12/13/2006 10:06:21 AM

Shivan Bird
Football time
11094 Posts
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^^agree, but still not the kid's fault.

[Edited on December 13, 2006 at 11:29 AM. Reason : ]

12/13/2006 11:29:29 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Here are my current favorite names for a boy:

Hayden and Jasper

What do we think?

12/13/2006 10:47:44 PM

Shivan Bird
Football time
11094 Posts
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12/13/2006 10:54:41 PM

All American
3771 Posts
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12/14/2006 12:45:02 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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12/14/2006 1:55:13 AM

All American
3283 Posts
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"I'm not racist. Everyone else is racist." Seems to be the mentality of most people.

12/14/2006 2:44:45 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Anytime I do or say something wrong in the Soap Box, I'm going to post this:

Quote :
"Extraverted Thinking
The INFP may turn to inferior extraverted Thinking for help in focusing on externals and for closure. INFPs can even masquerade in their ESTJ business suit, but not without expending considerable energy. The inferior, problematic nature of Extraverted Thinking is its lack of context and proportion. Single impersonal facts may loom large or attain higher priority than more salient principles which are all but overlooked. "

I gots an excuse.

12/14/2006 5:22:09 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"But according to a new study published in Psychological Science, this may not be what the average white person takes away.

Being made aware of the racial composition of America's prisons actually bolsters white Americans' support for intrusive policing and harsh sentencing policies, according to Stanford University researchers Rebecca Hetey and Jennifer Eberhardt."

8/7/2014 5:05:49 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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^^I realize it's been 8 years, but I still must remark that the MBTI is terrible:

HEXACO is the way to go:/message_topic.aspx?topic=642651

8/7/2014 10:40:03 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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The biggest one is police and the justice system.

Property values are also racist. The appraisers low ball everything in hispanic/black neighborhoods. This keeps minorities from accumulated wealth.

8/8/2014 11:56:04 AM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » New poll says racism persists Page [1]  
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