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All American
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god get us a qb

11/26/2006 4:08:07 PM

All American
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11/26/2006 4:08:31 PM

466 Posts
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that last pass was about 10 yards away from steve smith

11/26/2006 4:08:32 PM

All American
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11/26/2006 4:08:39 PM

All American
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he is brett favre without the history

11/26/2006 4:08:56 PM

147487 Posts
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jesus, you people are worse than state fans

11/26/2006 4:08:59 PM

All American
1102 Posts
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i heard Jay Davis was on the market

11/26/2006 4:09:08 PM

All American
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why the lock, he sucks. he is not moving our team at all this season.

11/26/2006 4:09:14 PM

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11/26/2006 4:09:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you people "

11/26/2006 4:09:33 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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it's true

11/26/2006 4:09:34 PM

All American
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11/26/2006 4:10:14 PM

All American
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11/26/2006 4:10:52 PM

All American
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he does. he should've checked his hot route. his corner left him to blitz, and he had linebacker on the opposite side of the field assigned to him. a quick dump to the hot route would've yielded atleast 10 yards, and the receiver was clapping his hands like crazy to let delhomme know.

11/26/2006 4:11:22 PM

All American
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maybe Stone will declare?

11/26/2006 4:11:23 PM

Dick Danger
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Jake Gohomme


11/26/2006 4:11:28 PM

All American
10855 Posts
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infinitely funnier than firefox

and that was hilarious

11/26/2006 4:11:31 PM

All American
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put in weinke.

11/26/2006 4:11:51 PM

All American
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oh dear

11/26/2006 4:12:26 PM

Dick Danger
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11/26/2006 4:19:30 PM

All American
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11/26/2006 6:52:24 PM

All American
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we need a good offensive line too
thats our only weakness

11/26/2006 10:39:11 PM

All American
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What is funny is that Ive said this since the man came to Charlotte and everyone was like no way, Delhomme is awesome. Now everyone sees the light and outside Smith he is NOTHING.

11/26/2006 10:42:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Finally someone had a game plan for Steve Smith! The Giants and Bears let him go deep single-covered, seeming to have no idea, just no idea at all, that Smith is the league's leading receiver. On Sunday, the Seahawks had two and sometimes three gentlemen around Smith. He was jammed off the line. There was always a safety on his side when he went deep. Usually there was a linebacker beneath him so he couldn't run the quick slant or catch the hitch screen. The Seahawks played football's first box-and-one defense! Naturally Smith was shut down, proving he is a member of genus Homo, not a space alien. Seattle's box-and-one advanced the Seahawks to the Super Bowl, but left two questions. First, why didn't the Giants and Bears game-plan for Smith? This remains quite mysterious. Second, when the Hawks were doubling or tripling Smith, who was open? Somebody from the Panthers had to be open -- and that somebody did not find the ball fluttering his way."

11/26/2006 10:47:14 PM

All American
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i always knew he was good and bad, you cant build a superbowl team around delhomme but having a bad front line make it alot harder

11/26/2006 11:03:18 PM

All American
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has anyone ever noticed how Delhomme RARELY if ever changes the play at the line of scrimmage or signals a hot route to his receivers (besides the overran '0' route)? To me, it seems like he has a really hard time figuring out coverages and goes to the line with one play and one receiver in his mind, and he doesn't consider change whatsoever. not good for the leader of the offense

11/26/2006 11:31:09 PM

All American
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Amato or Trestman must have given the Panthers a pre-game speech today. That's the only explanation I could come up with on why they played so bad.

11/26/2006 11:43:13 PM

All American
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^ have you not watched the other games the panthers have played this season

the same thing has been going on the whole year

11/27/2006 12:01:16 AM

All American
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Jake's been incredibly inconsistent his entire time in Charlotte. Unfortunately this season he's settled more into the "consistently horrible" end of the spectrum.

Every QB in the league except Peyton and Tony Romo would KILL to have Steve Smith and Keyshawn Johnson lined up on the outside. If the QB makes the reads and the throws with those guys, we're in the top 5 in the league in passing offense and total offense.

11/27/2006 8:38:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Every QB in the league except Peyton and Tony Romo would KILL to have Steve Smith and Keyshawn Johnson lined up on the outside."

first of all, let me say that I agree that Jake isn't exactly lighting up the scoreboard this year, but it's much more than him.

1. Henning's play calling is terrible.....when I can accurately predict 2 straight running plays on 2nd and 3rd downs, late in the game when we need a score, something is and has been very wrong.

2. Smitty and Key are both in double digits in the dropped pass category, and the vast majority of those are on them solely.

3. Jake has taken us to a 2 NFC championship games and one Superbowl in the last 3 years, so I say he's done more for his team than 90% of the QB's in the NFL.

4. His woes go hand in hand with out rushing attack. When the rush is bad, he's forced to press the issue to make things happen.

5. If the D hadn't straight up missed 2 tackles to let Cooley run for over 60 yards for the TD, we wouldn't have been in that must score a TD situation in the first place yesterday.

11/27/2006 9:16:18 AM

Black and Proud
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henning knows more about football than you do ..

secondly with "pass" play and "run play" to choose from ... it's moderately not hard to guess what's coming

11/27/2006 9:18:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"henning knows more about football than you do "

Fo' Sho', but he has a habit of making the opposing D coordinator look like a geinus.

Quote :
"secondly with "pass" play and "run play" to choose from ... it's moderately not hard to guess what's coming"

Oh yea, running up the gut twice on 2nd/long and 3rd/long w/ less that 4:00 left and needing a TD is sound strategery.

11/27/2006 9:48:02 AM

Black and Proud
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why exactly do you think they ran in those situations ? there is a reason I promise you.

11/27/2006 9:50:02 AM

All American
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Is that an excuse?.....there is a reason for everything. I'm not saying there wasn't a reason they did it, it was just a very, very bad one.

11/27/2006 9:59:03 AM

Black and Proud
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it wasn't a bad one, and you're still not seeing why they did it

still doesn't excuse jake sucking :x

[Edited on November 27, 2006 at 10:01 AM. Reason : safv]

11/27/2006 10:00:58 AM

All American
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Ok, I am starting to be convinced that We need to have another starting QB next year...unless Delhomme turns it around and has a suprisingly great late season. Our O-line pretty much sucks do we keep losing OL like pocket change? Damn...


11/27/2006 10:03:39 AM

All American
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I imagine they were thinking about running time off the clock, so there wouldn't be time for the skins to go back and score again, but if they don't score first, it's a moot point.

furthermore, you have addressed only one of my points. Like I said, I agree Jake is much less than great this year, but our situation can by no means be blamed solely on him.

11/27/2006 10:06:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Ok, I am starting to be convinced that We need to have another starting QB next year.... Our O-line pretty much sucks too"

Our O-line, like Jake and our whole team, comes out one week and gives a great performance.....only to come out the next week to look like they're straight from high school. Our inconsistency is the thing that drives me crazy, one never knows what to expect.

as far as o-line and QB, a shitty O-line can make a great QB look like a rookie and vise versa.

[Edited on November 27, 2006 at 10:11 AM. Reason : .]

11/27/2006 10:10:39 AM

5294 Posts
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new motto:

Win or Weinke

11/27/2006 10:21:24 AM

All American
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^^Agreed, but our O-line has yet to be consistent for 2 years and seemingly always falters and suffers severe injuries. Our QB this year, def is not great, and I think still can be an effective QB...but with our O-line the way it is, we need a QB that manuever outside the pocket...

If Jake can right the ship and win some games the latter part of the season, and get into playoffs and win a couple games...I will retract my statement


[Edited on November 27, 2006 at 10:41 AM. Reason : ^]

11/27/2006 10:24:17 AM

All American
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^^i can get on board with that......I've always thought weinke was a pretty good QB, he was just put in a very shitty situation during the 1-15 year. Dumb ass Seifert stuck a QB, whose strongest asset was throwing down field, into a West Coast scheme. (not to mention ideally you want at least a semi mobile QB for west coast. That is not weinke.)

[Edited on November 27, 2006 at 10:26 AM. Reason : .]

11/27/2006 10:26:07 AM

All American
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the difference between the panthers 3 years ago and the panthers of today is having a O-line and a punter on steroids. Sauerbrun had more to do with the field position game than the rest of the offense did.

11/27/2006 10:52:31 AM

All American
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Speaking of punts...did anyone see bakers 70 yarder yesterday?...It actually went farther but went into the endzone.

11/27/2006 11:37:12 AM

All American
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11/27/2006 11:38:59 AM

bob loblaw
New Recruit
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what we really need is a new offensive coord. Dan Henning sucks. No more draw plays on 3rd and long please.

11/27/2006 12:05:13 PM

All American
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i agree, fire henning,
and when was the last time you saw delhomme run the ball
with all the times he cant find a reciever he should have atleast a couple of runs but no
he's just not good enough

11/27/2006 12:42:13 PM

All American
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Delhomme is the Jay Davis of the NFL he just has more receiver talent so it makes him look a little better; exact same player though; will look good for a while and then commit just an insanely horrible turnover

carolina needs to draft a good qb imo and build him up but they can't b/c they do too well in the reg. season every year to get a top 3 qb in the draft

11/27/2006 12:45:22 PM

All American
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^We are gonna draft TE or LB almost for sure with our first two picks.

Quote :
"the difference between the panthers 3 years ago and the panthers of today is having a O-line and a punter on steroids. "

Baker isnt a bad punter at all and not having Dan Morgan / Witherspoon hurts too; cooley would never have had a TD on that pass if morgan was on the field. He would have a concussion from it, but he would have had that bastard down.

11/27/2006 1:38:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"He would have a concussion from it, but he would have had that bastard down.

hahahaha, good call

11/27/2006 1:45:40 PM

All American
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11/27/2006 2:01:51 PM

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