I'm going to be doing an independent study next semester for an english course. The prof. has asked me to come up with the syllabus so he can then look it over and sign off on it, then he'll make everything official. My question is, what does an independent study syllabus look like? Any one else done this before?
10/19/2006 1:01:32 AM
im doing one for economics, and they seem much more lenient on paperwork. maybe just a schedule or timeline to show how you plan to work throughout the semester? and a little info on the topic, etc.?
10/19/2006 1:37:24 AM
http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/courses_undergrad/REG02.20.7.phpThere's the offical NCSU requirements for a syllabus. I think your instructor will be more interested in what you plan on doing moreso than all the other stuff that goes on a syllabus.
10/19/2006 7:43:08 AM