Hey guys, Pi Bar is looking for energetic Bartenders and also Promoters. Please e-mail me if you are interested at guvu@yahoo.com or stop by between the hours of 12-3 TUE, WED, THUR. Or siply call us at 919-341-4514 and leave us a msg.
10/18/2006 1:12:45 PM
isn't it illegal to discriminate who you hire based on sex?
10/18/2006 4:58:17 PM
^I wonder how hooters gets away with that? and also, what if an ugly girl with no titties applies?
10/18/2006 5:47:47 PM
hooters usually shoves the guys/ugly girls in the back and lets them cook and/or bus tables. they also let some of the uglier girls be hostess.
10/18/2006 6:03:05 PM
10/18/2006 6:03:45 PM
hooters was actually sued by a guy unsuccesfully for discrimination. the judge ruled they were selling an image or something and since he didnt fit what they were looking for they didnt have to hire him
10/18/2006 6:37:22 PM
Pi Bar Stole My Eagles Coozie.
10/18/2006 10:02:27 PM
They can't stop you from applying but they can choose who would draw the more cash and base that on looks.
10/18/2006 11:31:10 PM