I'm getting a spray in bed liner this weekend on my truck and have the old plastic drop in liner. Anyone interester in buying it?
10/8/2006 11:03:19 PM
10/8/2006 11:04:47 PM
they are great for pulling people down the road when it snows
10/8/2006 11:12:04 PM
im pretty sure my drop-in is tougher than rhino.. extra regidity.. the only thin that sucks about it is hot it get ruffles whn it warms up. someone done a half-ass job puttin it in. but then again, superdodge is no show stopper any way you look at it
10/9/2006 1:03:09 AM
10/9/2006 1:09:04 AM
nigro, dont make me pull out my microsoft word spell checker
10/9/2006 1:13:43 AM