I was going to go last year, but never had time because it's only on weekends and I had to work. I know it's about 30-40 minutes away from my house somewhere in the boonies in Saxapahaw I think...I didn't find any other threads on there about it when I searched.What is it exactly? An actual show, like a performance? Is it worth the $15 admission?
10/2/2006 2:30:10 PM
1. http://www.originalhollywoodhorrorshow.com/2. ARE YOU NINE?
10/2/2006 2:37:21 PM
It's rather lame, but worth exactly one trip to. If you go again, you'll find all the things that make it shitty.
10/2/2006 2:41:33 PM
yeha i found the website, it's just not very descriptive. it just says it's scary.
10/2/2006 3:08:40 PM