Post 'em here if you know of one that really gets the job done. I'm not talking about something that just came out and the packaging looks cool so you think it must be good. I'm talking about something that you have tried and were really impressed with the results and other stuff has failed the task. Zep carpet cleaner (available at Home Depot).i've used most and nothing really seems to get stains out. I've been using this stuff of a while now and have found that nothing works better at cleaning and odor removal. This stuff also works great on pet stains in the house.
10/2/2006 10:49:10 AM
THRUST penetrating fluid
10/2/2006 11:08:18 AM
Zep mold & mildew stain remover is the shit when you fuck up the shower at your rental house and you need to clean it up before moving.P21S wheel cleaner works like a charm.
10/2/2006 11:17:39 AM
Charmin toilet paper works pretty damn good. But it leaves lint balls in your asshair.
10/2/2006 11:19:13 AM
pb blastersea foam
10/2/2006 11:36:59 AM
forgot about kleen-strip aircraft remover
10/2/2006 1:31:52 PM
^ damn i have aircrafts everywhere i should get thatmothers powerball/ polish
10/2/2006 2:38:22 PM
i use kleen-strip to take that yellow coating off bmw engines
10/2/2006 2:42:55 PM
87 octane, it makes my motor purr u should try some
10/2/2006 4:43:46 PM
nanowax- easy to apply because it is in form of gel/liquid, works well and doesnt leave any white shit in seams. car looks and feels waxed just like with paste. cheap as well $4.99 for a bottle in autozone.
10/2/2006 4:53:19 PM
Meqiuars shite for the dash. Two coats last a good 4 weeks and it really shines.
10/2/2006 8:19:36 PM
I like to use diluted Woolite on all interior surface.. normally 1:6 with water. Will clean almost anything up. I also like using Kids and Pets (carpet cleaner at target) normally diluted 1:2 with water. 303 is also the longest lasting interior protectant I've used. Rather pricey though.I dig the look of Eagle One nanowax, but its durability is shitty.. I got 3 weeks at most out of it. The NanoSpray is a great booster wax though and looks incredible on black.
10/2/2006 10:08:08 PM
autozone carb cleanerengine restorelucas fuel treatment shit
10/2/2006 10:50:57 PM
greased lightning for just about any grime removalspray it on ur tires and watch the dirt fly off, really helps a tire hold armor all for a lot longer
10/2/2006 11:26:52 PM
My absolute favorite brake cleaner is the Wearever Gold stuff that Advance Auto sells.Zep also makes the stuff, but I think that they only bulk package it. We used to use it a lot when I worked at Clayton Auto Parts back in the shop.Evidently, the stuff is nothing but heptane and isopropyl alcohol. Cuts grease like mad, no chlorinated solvents, and it does NOT burn your hands.
10/2/2006 11:39:57 PM
^ greased lightin really is the shit, it will clean anything... i dont even waste money on wheel cleaner anymorealso, Slick 50 Fuel System Cleaner works really good.... I have used it in a couple of cars and bikes and it's good stuff
10/2/2006 11:41:04 PM
Sea-foam >>>> very few people have used it and it has only been sold in Advance for about a year now, but car-quest and napa have sold it for about 4 or 5 years now. Great stuff, better than any other fuel injector cleaner out there. Works great through the brake booster line to clean the engine, and to fog for mosquitos!!
10/3/2006 12:14:45 AM
10/3/2006 2:44:25 AM
Sea foam made my mom's '89 camry start leaking oil really really bad. Then the engine blew up a few months later. I think it worked a little too good. But, I don't blame sea foarm. It was like putting alcohol and box of band-aids on a severed leg... just the right treatment method.
10/3/2006 9:14:25 AM
Zaino Brothers - that shit can make anything look good
10/3/2006 9:27:46 AM
10/3/2006 2:23:12 PM
10/3/2006 4:44:39 PM
at this point if I used seafoam my engine would probably leak oil as fast as I could pour it in.
10/3/2006 11:16:46 PM
a Toyota
10/3/2006 11:32:48 PM
Looking for a damn good radiator stop leak. The s-dime's got a pinhole leak near the upper intake (plastic piece of shit) that's being a pain in the ass.
10/4/2006 10:20:16 AM
Kinda hard to plug plastic with radiator stop leak.
10/4/2006 11:45:16 AM
crack an egg in it while running
10/4/2006 11:48:00 AM
I've heard a few people here and there say that they used stop leak for their radiator and a short time later they had a clog that lead to overheating and in one case a blown head gasket. Old plastic gets brittle...I'd just replace the thing and forget it.
10/4/2006 12:04:13 PM
goto home depot and get that rubbercoat spray. I used it to weather proof the nuts and bolt tips that I had to put through my car's floor when I put in the roll bar. Spray it over the hole (if you can find it). since I haven't had a car whose looks I've really cared about in a while, this is more for utility cleaning, but simple green is the shit. its organic, non-toxic, etc, but will clean anything. it comes in concentrated form and I can only find the lemon scent at home depot, but it owns
10/4/2006 1:42:54 PM
I used stop leak in my old car and a week later there was all this paper looking material floating around in the fluid. And then my car overheated. I had to get a new radiator. Not blaming stop leak though. Again, it was like using neosporin and a band-aid to fix a severed leg. Not the right treatment method.
10/4/2006 1:59:47 PM
Yeah - I know its a bandaid. We're getting rid of that truck soon and I really don't want to drop another $200 into a radiator. Any decent salvage yards around here I can pull a radiator out of?
10/4/2006 4:39:15 PM
so sea foam is a bad idea? all i hear is it starts making engines leak oil... i was thinking about getting some for my 2000 jetta VR6 with about 130000 miles, think its a good idea? or will it make oil start leaking?
10/4/2006 5:28:49 PM
ive never seen/heard of seafoam making engines leak oil.
10/4/2006 6:01:01 PM
I like the B12 Chemtool carburetor cleaner. I've also had good luck with Bar's Leaks in radiators and I used the Carquest brand metallic liquid glass to seal up a head gasket leak. It worked really well.
10/4/2006 6:08:18 PM
10/4/2006 11:36:56 PM
ive been using seafoam in my 99 grand cherokee every oil change for 30,000 miles and it works wonders, everyone i tell about it swear by it now. Also deep creep is amazing, kills pb blaster, little pricey at $7 a can but it lasts for a while and well worth the money.
10/4/2006 11:48:13 PM
anybody got any suggestions for an aluminum epoxy? something like alumi-weld? i've got a jonboat that some of the rivets are leaking. i have already prepped each one for welding but i figured it would save a bunch of time to just put some epoxy around them instead of welding each individual one.
10/6/2006 9:40:42 AM
I seafoamed my car for the first time at 140,000 miles. I was worried that I would fuck shit up. I had about 10 minutes of white exhaust then it cleared out. It ran alot better after that. I would say for interior detailing Meguiars is totally awesome. For tires I've found that turtlewax tirewax has performed really well. (It's stayed on the tire for 3-4 weeks, etc.)
10/6/2006 11:47:13 AM
^^?????anyone, anyone?
10/11/2006 11:49:25 AM
Drill the rivtes. Put a bead of silicone in the joint and then rivet it all back . Most of the epoxies will flake off with anykind of movement or flex.
10/11/2006 12:24:57 PM
JB Weld
10/11/2006 1:38:02 PM
^^yeah, i had thought about that but then figured it would be less work to just weld them. i just didn't know if i could put something over the rivets to just seal it. guess ill just weld it.
10/11/2006 2:18:09 PM
Shell V-Power 98 (not available here).
10/11/2006 2:45:21 PM
^ y not?
10/11/2006 2:55:05 PM
^^i swear by shell v-power anyway.
10/11/2006 3:00:54 PM
^^^^ If you change your mind I have a rivet gun
10/11/2006 8:53:04 PM
10/11/2006 9:27:36 PM
Turns faded bumpers and other rubber parts black again. It is a strong smelling white fluid but after you rub it on the faded area it turns back to black in seconds. Impressive stuff.You can use it on interior rubber stuff that has faded in the sun/dried out but I would leave the doors and/or windows open for at least a day because it will smell bad if you don't.
10/15/2006 5:44:07 PM
Bosch Icon wiper blades are the shit.
1/29/2007 1:15:49 PM
Ahmet. He is a product of his parents and he really works.
1/29/2007 1:18:56 PM