SkywireThe Sibling ProjectAirial DownMike Borgia@THE BERKELEY CAFEFRIDAY SEPT 15th, 2006All Ages Welcome.Directions @ berkeleycafe.net STARTS AT 9:30pm! Doors @ 9pm$5 Admission
9/6/2006 9:32:38 AM
that sounds like a kick ass showall that for only $5i'm fucking there!
9/6/2006 9:51:38 AM
Terrible bands.
9/6/2006 11:39:06 AM
What, are they not emo enough for you, Ronny?
9/6/2006 6:22:47 PM
the only good thing about the BC is that if you are underage you can drink with ease
9/6/2006 6:44:22 PM
Stein, ha. That's awesome.Yeah, it's more of a Rock Show, we want to give off more of a rock show than anything. I'm still laughing about the "not enough emo for you" line. Take it easy Stein, and hope to see everyone who can make it out. Thanks again.
9/7/2006 8:48:28 AM
UPDATE:Here ya go:FRIDAY SEPT 15th, 2006!FRIDAY SEPT 15th, 2006!Berkeley Cafepresents:Skywire (expiremental rock)Airiel Down (rock)Mike Borgia (rock)Sibling Project (electronica rock)Berkeley Cafe is located @ 217 W Martin Street Raleigh NCDirections @ Mapquest.comAdmission $5 over 21, $7 under 21.Doors at 9pmShow at 9:30pm to see you all there. It's been a while since we've been in raleigh.Also, check out the Technician at NCSU on Friday, they are running a profile article on Skywire. Thanks much
9/11/2006 9:22:32 AM