A Raleigh Law firm is hiring part time work in operations support (general office operations, some courier runs) , 8am - 1pm with some flexibility. Email resume to tracy.cook@nelsonmullins.com or call 919-329-3874 for more information.
8/29/2006 1:13:32 PM
would it be possible to only work on tuesday/thursday from 8-12:30?
8/29/2006 1:24:22 PM
Unfortunately not. The job was formerly full time but it was decided that was not necessary. Everyday would be needed though.
8/29/2006 1:27:34 PM
click the green thing at the top
8/29/2006 1:27:51 PM
8/29/2006 1:30:52 PM
8/29/2006 2:08:42 PM
please tell me it pays $30/hr so I can work part time and still make the same amount of money I'm making now.
8/29/2006 2:42:04 PM
what is some flexibility
8/29/2006 3:13:34 PM
Is this job still available?
9/11/2006 9:08:59 PM