I have two monitors for sale:Samsung 19" Flat CRT Monitor 955DF Blackhttp://www.samsung.com/Products/Monitor/DiscontinuedModels/AN19JSBL.aspAbout 3 years old with only occasional use. Works great. $40Samsung 19" CRT 955SL Whitehttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004Z9EZ/103-3561618-5704608?v=glance&n=172282About 4 years old, hasn't been used in 2. Works great but the stand is missing. $20For Free: Zenith 20" TV plus remote from the 80s. Has great picture but the speakers have gone out. Has universal remote. Come pick it up its yours.PM or reply
8/22/2006 12:48:22 PM