I need a couch, preferably a set of two... Let me know...
7/22/2006 7:25:11 PM
There is one behind the dumpster in University Oaks complex. 1120 Carlton Ave. Looks pretty decent.
7/22/2006 9:06:35 PM
I have a couch that I'm giving away:It's nothing spectacular but it's usable and it's free if you can come pick it up. I'm on Avent Ferry across from the Burger King near campus. PM me if you want it.A bunch of people have PM'd me but nobody's picked it up yet. It's yours if you want it.
7/22/2006 11:01:08 PM
oh yeah, i won't be able to pick this up until the 5th^ so if it is still around, let me know
7/23/2006 1:29:22 AM
7/24/2006 6:17:18 PM
WTB/take for free: COOCHThat was the parody thread i resisted making.
7/24/2006 6:30:26 PM
Someone already took the couch. Sorry it's no longer available.
7/27/2006 12:06:47 AM
it is cool, i am actually picking up two couches on Friday
7/27/2006 6:42:20 AM