I have several hundred coke bottle caps with myCokeRewards codes on them. The way it works is you collect these codes, enter them into the myCokeRewards website to build up points, and then obtain prizes once enough points are accumulated.You can check out the prizes available here: http://mcr.us.icoke.com/Right now, I have over 300 points, and I will probably have many more in the near future.Let me know how many you are interested in taking and make an offer for them.
7/19/2006 1:17:08 PM
drink a lot of coke, eh? or maybe you've just been saving them for a very very long time.
7/19/2006 1:19:12 PM
I might be interested, but they aren't really worth more than like $5 to me since i'll have to take the time to sit and punch all those codes in.
7/19/2006 1:47:57 PM
i heard drinking that much coke causes kidney stones. just a warning
7/19/2006 3:10:35 PM
Help me pay for the kidney stone surgery by offering a good price and a quantity.
7/19/2006 3:19:27 PM
i once obtained over 800 pepsi points
7/19/2006 3:59:42 PM
you are a pathetic fag
7/19/2006 5:10:52 PM
I got a PM for 100 caps for $15 anyone else?
7/20/2006 3:25:10 AM
Out of curiosity, how long did it take for you to accumulate all that?
7/20/2006 9:42:09 AM
3 weeks
7/20/2006 9:45:57 AM