Anyone know how to convert AVI or MPEG or WMV to NSV format? Im running Slackware and I have ffmpeg which should do it but I'm getting the error Unable for find a suitable output format for filename.nsvI jsut tried ffmpeg -i filename.avi filename.nsv
6/29/2006 9:35:32 AM
and you've tried google or just came right here?
6/29/2006 9:36:55 AM
Yes. I've been going through google for the last hour or so. Do you know how to do it or do you feel good just being a dick about it? If you can find a link from google that describes how to do it and actually works please post it.
6/29/2006 9:44:31 AM
have you tried MPlayer / Mencoder
6/29/2006 10:36:22 AM
I just tried this script but got a shitton of "Skipping Frames" errors.. Haven't tested it to see if it works yetmencoder filename.avi -ofps 15 -vf scale=300:-2 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:acodec=mp3:abitrate=64 -o filename.nsv
6/29/2006 11:20:08 AM