Need a fun/nice/not insane person to share townhouse with us! One room for rent in a 3 bedroom 2.5 bath townhouse, fireplace, fenced-in back yard, and pool table off of kaplan in hunter's creek (can walk to wolfline stop) available in July. Rentee preferably female since the person would be sharing a bathroom with a female. Rent is $290 plus 1/3 of utilities or we could prob work out a total amount for everything included. Pets negotiable but must not eat my cats.
6/20/2006 7:53:55 PM
hey, i'm a guy, but i'm mature and stuff. i have a dog that loves my 2 cats. what do you think??
6/20/2006 11:47:39 PM
are the others in the house female too?
6/21/2006 8:36:26 PM
dana! where have you been hidingcall me!
6/22/2006 12:55:59 AM
^^^ Smath74...ideally would like a girl for the sake of the other girl living there...but i will keep you in it just a dog or a dog and two more cats?^^ Yes two girls recent grad and one senior at state.
6/22/2006 10:26:42 AM
is the room available july 1? about how much would utilities be per month?
6/22/2006 6:24:58 PM
valpal2: Yes it can be available then to move stuff in....but the main part of the townhouse won't be furnished till a little later....I'm hoping to have everything in by the 10th...but you could move your stuff in as early as the 1st.-Utilities...I'm not sure exactly...I'm guessing around 50-75 a person depending on cable...we would have to decide together how much we are willing to put into it. I don't really care one way or the other about cable.
6/23/2006 1:21:22 PM
Is this on hunters club or on the other side?
6/23/2006 1:27:40 PM
^It's on the otherside...not the blue ones...the different colored ones.
6/23/2006 3:12:27 PM
ok so all my PM's have been from guys...I mean I know this is state...but really...girls?
6/26/2006 10:26:11 PM