6/19/2006 3:58:02 PM
you suck for not googlinghttp://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=515863
6/19/2006 4:00:02 PM
6/19/2006 4:00:20 PM
haI was going to be a jackass and say "internet".. haha.. As it turns out that's exactly what it stands for.. haha
6/19/2006 4:03:40 PM
.. haha
6/19/2006 4:05:25 PM
6/19/2006 4:26:40 PM
5^, pretty good explanation. Originally stood for "internet." Now it's just kind of a signifier for "not professional" - iPod, iTunes, iMovie, iDVD, iBook (ex), iMac, iWeb ... all have more professional versions except for iPod and iTunes. Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, PowerBook (ex), PowerMac, any professional 3rd party professional web creation app like Dreamweaver.
6/19/2006 4:33:18 PM
why google when i get the answer from you people just as easily?
6/19/2006 5:27:51 PM
Asking the wolf web is like asking the butler, except his name isn't Jeeves, his name is Frank, and he smells bad, but you can't fire him because he's retarded so you let him wash the dishes and answer the door, and every now and then you ask him a totally random question just to see what he says so your bourgeois ass can have a little fun.So it's a good thing he's bangin your wife.
6/19/2006 6:13:59 PM
6/19/2006 6:44:40 PM
you wife bangs a smelly re-re?
6/19/2006 8:07:24 PM
It never had an official meaning, but it was strongly implied to be "internet."Also, it has been used as intuitive and innovative before too.
6/19/2006 9:02:37 PM
sooo is there gonna be a PowerPod?
6/19/2006 9:18:00 PM
Nah, Power is phased out.MacPod and MacPod Pro?naaaah.
6/19/2006 11:58:21 PM
6/19/2006 11:59:41 PM