Looking for 2 girls to share a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom townhouse for the school year, or at least for the fall semester. Its at Gorman crossings (on gorman street/aventferry interesction), on the wolfline (Frat court and Avent Ferry) and has a washer and dryer. Cats are ok! Rent is usually around $260 - $290 after utilities. Utilities include electricity, cable, internet. PM me ASAP or call 704-771-9636 if you wanna come by!
6/12/2006 5:31:16 AM
6/22/2006 12:12:48 PM
pm sent
6/22/2006 6:30:41 PM
6/26/2006 8:50:18 AM
6/30/2006 5:20:55 PM