question for youI have a Powerbook G4 867, 12 inch 640mb ram... recently i've been getting all kinds of kernel panics and freezes... i think it has to do with the airport card but it acts the same without the airport card... i don't honestly know what is causing it to act up. it started randomly freezing, now it won't start up without a kernel panic or freezeany thoughts?
6/11/2006 12:29:16 PM
okay i ran the disc utility and it found that there were incorrect block counts:for file (it should be 1 instead of 0)for file (it should be 25 instead of 0)for file (it should be 1 instead of 0)for file (it should be 2 instead of 0)invalid key lengthdoes that help any?
6/11/2006 1:59:36 PM