It's the only show you'll catch me watching on that network, and here's why:I think I'm in love with ruth england. Maybe it's because I used to date a chick with a killer english accent. Eh, who knows.Anyway, I enjoy seeing unusual architecture, especially restorations of older structure(mills, water towers, etc). I'm also partial to simple concrete and glass structures. The two styles don't go together well, but they both look great to me.The typical american A-roof homes that I've worked on all my life drive me crazy. Inefficient, trouble-prone, cheap, uninspired. I actually regret having spent my life covering a sizable portion of the earth with over a thousand of these things. Just look at this shit:,-78.823621&spn=0.011805,0.024955&t=h&om=1(We did this in the late 90's. There are dozens of other subdivisions just like it we've built since.)Anyway, I guess this is a free thread. Feel free to discuss unusual homes, your favorite homo on HGTV or the rape of the earth.
5/24/2006 10:00:52 PM
I saw that show once, and I like her too. Not in a "Omg, I am in love with her" way, but she is alright. And I know how you feel about the cheap subdivisions being thrown up everywhere.
5/24/2006 11:29:44 PM
didn't you hear?
5/25/2006 9:00:10 AM