Does anyone know where and how we can obtain pictures from the ceremonies at RBC and the departmental ones?I know that the CSC ceremony had professional photographers taking pictures.thanks!
5/14/2006 12:40:52 PM
Anybody know how to obtain BLZ/SZO departmental photos?
5/14/2006 3:29:16 PM
anybody know how to get gargs laid?yeah, me either
5/14/2006 3:37:56 PM
This thread should involve people posting their own graduation pictures as they get them... thats what I assumed it would be... and thats what I'll use it for when I get some
5/14/2006 3:55:48 PM
who are you trying to stalk now esgargs
5/14/2006 3:56:33 PM
if it was ANYONE else, there would be 30 pics up by now
5/14/2006 7:00:48 PM
There were a couple photographers at the CSC ceremony asking grads to pose...I am sure they'll post/sell them somewhere, just not sure where.
5/14/2006 7:22:14 PM
^For the CSC one, you'll receive something via email. There's a small (300x200) proof online they'll send a link to you you and then they'll tell you their ripoff prices.Not sure on the RBC one ... might want to ask university news services (or whatever its called).
5/14/2006 7:44:20 PM
crap...any idea how much it's gonna cost?
5/14/2006 7:52:17 PM
its one of those things you pay because money cant buy the happiness of that day
5/14/2006 7:53:49 PM
just ignore this retard.
5/14/2006 7:54:56 PM