Very comfy.
5/6/2006 7:05:24 PM
willing to part seperately?
5/6/2006 7:07:44 PM
Just the chair, or just the ottoman?
5/6/2006 8:24:33 PM
the latter
5/6/2006 8:25:07 PM
Sure, unless the highest bidder wants both. What's your bid on the ottoman?
5/6/2006 8:25:55 PM
i'll wait to see how this goes until i bidwhens it end?
5/6/2006 8:26:40 PM
When someone buys it Probably a couple days.
5/6/2006 8:30:44 PM
5/7/2006 10:07:14 AM
5/7/2006 10:13:06 PM
Nobody wants it?
5/8/2006 7:33:38 PM
5/11/2006 10:50:30 PM
5/12/2006 12:16:51 AM
5/12/2006 12:50:13 AM
how about $20? It's a huge, comfy, cuddly chair. It sleeps nice too.
5/16/2006 8:35:34 AM
I'll pick it up from you when everyone else falls through...lemme know
5/16/2006 8:48:33 AM
For how much?
5/16/2006 12:22:18 PM