I'm going to rent a generator for a day and it will be turned on 5-8 hrs. I need it to power lights, a PA system, band equimpent (amps, etc.), and a camera crew. Also, we're looking for something that runs relatively quiet. I have no idea what kilowattage I would need. Yellow pages have only yielded one place for daily rentals so I would like to get 2nd, 3rd opinions. They recommended 5 or 6.5 kW for this event.
4/24/2006 10:22:24 AM
No generator will be quiet realistically. The best thing to do is find a spot away from the event and run lines. I've seen people place the generator in sheds with doors pointed away from the event or if it's a rural thing put it behind a house.
4/24/2006 10:59:19 AM
you need one of thesehttp://www.energyst.com/energyst_en/
4/24/2006 11:08:19 AM
Somebody else told me that 6.5 kW would be too small and I need at least 10 kW. Any suggestions?
4/24/2006 11:35:18 AM
The first thing you need to do is total the power requirement for all the equipment that will be attached to the generator so you can determine your needs.
4/24/2006 12:48:48 PM
If you want quiet, then the answer is MQ Power's WhisperWatt Generator line. More info can be had by checking out their website: http://www.multiquip.com/mqpower/pages-products/whisperwatt/three-phase/DCA-45SSIU2.html or calling around to rental places (try checking with places that rent heavy equipment)
4/25/2006 11:53:42 AM
you should be fine with a 6.5 kW, but it depends on the equipment. depends on the size of your lighting grid, how many amps you're running through your PA (music amps and otherwise). as far as noise, best bet is find a place far away to put it and run cables, as said.
4/25/2006 12:47:30 PM
the whisperwats and other rip off versions of them do work, the ones i have used sounded about liek a car idling unless you walk up close or open the casing on it.
4/25/2006 5:57:25 PM
We put an old VW muffler on our generator, attached a water hose and leave it submerged in a barrel of water if we're going to be using it for a long time. It's an old moonshiner's trick. "burbleburbleburbleburble...."
4/25/2006 8:19:40 PM