I have 2 young male abyssinian (hair looks like a bunch of cowlicks) guinea pigs that need a home. One is a brindle/brown and white (teddy) and the other is orange and white (rigsby)I got them from Petsmart about a month ago, and my dogs were ok with them, all of the sudden the dogs won't leave their cage and the pigs are scared....They are VERY sweet, never tried to bite (guinea pigs rarely do), they are healthy and with a lot of attention could become even more loving then they already are.I will include the wire cage (with solid bottom) it is 40.5"L * 18"W * 20"H. The food and hay I have left, the food dish, a toy, and water bottle.Asking $75 OBO to cover cost of cage and supplies.
4/12/2006 6:50:20 PM
4/12/2006 9:32:38 PM
wow, no interest huh? how about $50?
4/13/2006 1:52:33 AM
Give it some time... you posted on a bad weekend... free bttt.
4/13/2006 2:20:03 AM
oh yeah, forgot about that...thanks
4/13/2006 10:10:33 AM
actually, I've decided to try a different approach to the whole dog problem and so far it's working....so I'm keepin these guys
4/13/2006 1:27:29 PM