I searched for threads abotu computer cases but I didnt see any that really answered my questions soooo.....Say for a System: ATI x1800xt card. AMD 64bit around 3400+ 2 GB PC 3200 ram. No overclockingHow much cooling is required for this system.Would a case with no side fan with just 2 120 mm intake and exaust work. example of case. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowImage.asp?image=11-119-098-07.jpg,11-119-098-02.jpg,11-119-098-03.jpg,11-119-098-04.jpg,11-119-098-05.jpg,11-119-098-06.jpg,11-119-098-10.jpg,11-119-098-09.jpg,11-119-098-08.jpg,11-119-098-16.jpg,11-119-098-17.jpg,11-119-098-13.jpg,11-119-098-11.jpg,11-119-098-12.jpg,11-119-098-14.jpg,11-119-098-15.jpg&CurImage=11-119-098-09.jpg&Description=COOLER%20MASTER%20Ammo%20533%20RC-533-SWN1%20Black/Silver%20Aluminum+Plastic%20front%20bezel;%20SECC%20chassis%20ATX%20Mid%20Tower%20Computer%20Case%20-%20Retailreally want this case mainly cause it looks good WITH A HANDLE!!!!!111 : but I dont know if it will keep things coolOr do I need to get something with way more fans and completely aluminumexample http://www.newegg.com/Product/ShowImage.asp?image=11-119-084-15.jpg,11-119-084-02.jpg,11-119-084-03.jpg,11-119-084-09.jpg,11-119-084-10.jpg,11-119-084-11.jpg,11-119-084-04.jpg,11-119-084-05.jpg,11-119-084-06.jpg,11-119-084-07.jpg,11-119-084-16.jpg,11-119-084-17.jpg,11-119-084-13.jpg,11-119-084-14.jpg,11-119-084-08.jpg,11-119-084-12.jpg,11-119-084-18.jpg&CurImage=11-119-084-15.jpg&Description=COOLER%20MASTER%20Praetorian%20730%20RC-730-SSN1%20Silver%20Aluminum%20ATX%20Mid%20Tower%20Computer%20Case%20-%20Retailmore expensive and a door on it .I seriously cant find any cases that look decent without a door on the front minus the one shown above.And if you know nothing about how many fans you need, if you know what type of case I need for that system please let me know. Or if you know a good site beyond the obvious newegg zipzoomfly things, lemme knowthanks
4/12/2006 1:35:11 PM
That first case is ugly as hell, I don't see why you would want it unless your planning on taking your computer back and forth to work with you everyday.http://www.xoxide.com/pccases.htmlHas some case you can look thru.Also can I suggest that you go with something more than a 3400+ if your building a new system
4/12/2006 1:47:04 PM
Dude you should be fine of you aren't overclocking. I got a system similar to yours recently (NVidia 7900 GT, AMD x2 3800+, 2 gigs ram) and I got this case:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811119077It cools fine.I'm not big on the look of the case you linked too, but as long as you like it, and the handle is sweet.
4/12/2006 1:49:54 PM