FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
Here's a good idea.
Whenever a user makes a post containing one or more instances of "(sp?)," the forum software should check a standard dictionary file for the closest match to the token immediately prior to the "(sp?)" and make the change automagically. This gives us a powerful spellchecking feature with minimal overhead; no download on the client side, no complete spellcheck on the server side with every post, just a quick scan for all instances of "(sp?)" and the concomitant checks as a result.
Example: NCSUStinger posts, "Yes, I really enjoy padding my post count with drivil (sp?)." The server notices the "(sp?)" and checks the token immediately prior: "drivil." A check against the standard dictionary brings up "drivel" as the first match, so "drivel" replaces "drivil" when the post is entered into the database.
This won't always work properly, but hell, it's not like we couldn't look things up for ourselves, either.
[Edited on March 14, 2002 at 10:51 AM. Reason : Example.] 3/14/2002 10:44:20 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
damn that seems a little much 3/14/2002 10:47:22 AM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
It only seems a little much because I explained briefly how it would work. In practice, you wouldn't think much of it at all. You think that LeGo's [user] tag idea was easy to implement? 3/14/2002 10:50:50 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
But in a way, keeping spelling mistakes shows how dumb a user really is (i am probably the worst speller in the world, but im not dumb... im joking.) 3/14/2002 10:56:47 AM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not saying I support the idea of a spellchecker. I think all youse dumb bastards ought to know how to spell in the first place, or at least look things up for yourselves. I'm just saying that there has been some demand for spellchecking on the Wolf Web in the past, and this is a happy medium. 3/14/2002 10:59:34 AM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
Thats retarded. Nobody says (sp?) on TWW, and how are they supposed to learn to spell the word if nobody ever calls them a dumbass for spelling it wrong? 3/14/2002 12:44:19 PM
LeGo All American 3916 Posts user info edit post |
haha... I was usered... also I believe the correct syntax would be [sp]drivil[/sp], then it would be as easy as my request.
P.S. Everyone use my suggestion like FroshKiller did so that I will look cool. Or because it will make Joe and CrazyJ feel good about responding to the request about message board. Plus I am also tired of seeing stuff like,
"yeah thats great jason", b/c there is no user name jason in the topic. I have a hard time following the topic and who people are responding too becuase I don't know every users real name. 3/14/2002 3:25:43 PM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Justin had a good point. 3/14/2002 3:36:27 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
yeah using real names on here is retarded 3/14/2002 5:04:46 PM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
I agree, Ben. 3/14/2002 5:32:59 PM
LeGo All American 3916 Posts user info edit post |
FroshKiller, I could even deal with that, as then I could atleast find out whom they are. When it is just a name w/ no link it sucks...
so who is Justin...
[Edited on March 15, 2002 at 9:02 AM. Reason : premium must be nice.] 3/15/2002 8:58:31 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Justin is me. 3/15/2002 9:10:51 AM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
Why would you use somebodys real name on here? Everybody knows their TWW name, but only a few people know their real name. You are posting it on a public messageboard. You arent trying to restrict what you say to certian people who know a name. So use the TWW name. 3/15/2002 2:14:09 PM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
Ben has a point.
Here's an idea. At B-Boys, our forum software allows you to add parameters to your tags. For instance, we allow URL masking like so:
[URL=]The Wolf Web[/URL] renders as The Wolf Web, or just a vanilla [URL][/URL] as
Couldn't we have something like this, at least for the [user] tag? This is what I have in mind: [user=InsaneMan]Ben[/user] would be rendered as Ben. What do you say? 3/15/2002 3:04:57 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
who is gonna take the time to type that when they can just do a normal user tag with the TWW name? 3/15/2002 3:16:32 PM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
Well, Ben, apparently I will.
[Edited on March 15, 2002 at 3:22 PM. Reason : People were asking, "Who will actually use the [user] tag?" too.] 3/15/2002 3:22:10 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
1 person dont mean shit 3/15/2002 5:19:35 PM
FroshKiller All American 51923 Posts user info edit post |
One person means EVERYTHING. 3/15/2002 5:22:40 PM
InsaneMan All American 22802 Posts user info edit post |
They arent gonna add features to TWW that only 1 person is gonna use, but...
 3/16/2002 5:16:36 AM