Can anybody recommend a free tutorial for general queries or whatever for MS Access? I have plenty of experience with MySQL but this shit is foreign to me. All I want to do is a simple query on a database with a little string manipulation (i.e. combining the first name and last name columns into a "Firstname Lastname", stuff like that. Thanks.
3/27/2006 5:37:39 PM
There should be an option in Access (can't remember off the top of my head) where you can force it to be nearly ANSI92 SQL complaint. That may help with the transitioning.
3/27/2006 5:55:08 PM
you can use normal sql commands (a lot of them anyways - they leave out the really useful ones) in access - what are you having trouble with
3/27/2006 6:10:32 PM
You know, it occurs to me that I'm thinking of PHP functionality as well, which I guess is why I'm not seeing what I'm seeing. [/n00b]
3/27/2006 6:26:24 PM