i'm thinking about getting one and i was just wondering which was better. newegg is running a hell of a deal on either type.also, is it really worth it to buy a screen? you can get paint that works like a screen, right?thanks.
3/14/2006 4:47:24 PM
tech talk
3/14/2006 4:51:06 PM
can i get a move?
3/14/2006 5:01:22 PM
I worked in electronics at sears and I always liked LCD projections better but DLP isnt bad either....kinda just your preference. and yeah they work good if you want a big screen get one
3/14/2006 5:22:16 PM
I had a DLP one and it was great for Xbox/DVDs.Only fair warning: These are only truly enjoyable in > 90% darkness. If there's any windows nearby, it's basically worthless unless you go to lengths to cover the windows up. They work best in basements or locations where light doesn't "leak" into.Once you're in a pitch black setting, though, the picture is stunning. Don't buy this for daily television watching, unless you watch all your TV in a darkroom, and it's in HDTV. Analog TV blown up to 75" isn't exactly "pretty" to look at.
3/14/2006 6:02:22 PM
or, you could just get one with a decent contrast rating and high output
3/14/2006 7:05:55 PM
No. A projector just isn't meant to be watched in the light.
3/14/2006 7:29:09 PM
my pops has a new 50" LCD projector and its fucking bad ass
3/14/2006 8:44:00 PM
hey noen, when you find a projecter that can project black get back to meWe could make billions
3/14/2006 11:03:51 PM
3/15/2006 9:25:35 AM
go to http://www.newegg.com you lazy bastard
3/15/2006 3:36:54 PM
bttt.leaning towards DLP, contrast looks WAY better.
3/16/2006 11:50:31 PM
DLPs are better all around.Better contrast ratios, better refresh rates.
3/17/2006 12:04:26 AM