The course listings say that this should be in the fall of even years, such as 2006.It's not up in the fall schedule though, should I just assume it won't ever be put up for this fall?
3/14/2006 8:44:56 AM
I’ve seen classes added like a week or two before classes actually start for a semester before... but those might be specific circumstances like labs or special topic classes. I wouldn't give up hope just yet, maybe contact the professor who usually teaches it or the department and ask them what’s going on.
3/14/2006 11:08:40 AM
REL 471 (STS) Darwinism and Christianity. Maybe try looking for it under the STS title if you haven't yet... also there is another class that might be related enough to interested youREL (HI) 460 American Religion After Darwin.You can find some admin e-mail addresses here, & both the secretaries there are great. has the contact info for professors of rel looks like Cunningham sometimes teaches 471. She was my advisor for a few days... it was a mix up b/c I switched into Philosophy as a major, but since its the department of Phi & Rel, they gave me a Rel advisor. She was nice for the few days that she was my advisor, very approachable.Here is her contact info104 Winston Hall515-6105email: mk_cunningham@ncsu.eduBut there may be others qualified to teach it...Sometimes you can convince professors to teach classes that they are iffy on, if you can show that you have an interest and that there are enough others who would take it that semester.And you have any Rel professors that you know well, you might be able to set up an independent study if you are really interested in the subject (but this wouldn’t work so well for trying to fill requirements)Good luck!
3/14/2006 12:21:46 PM
Thanks for the info. I've emailed her and will hopefully hear something soon.I was really wanting to get into that course because it would fulfill a requirement for one of my majors and also for my religion minor.
3/14/2006 3:26:17 PM