What kind of drug test is it....and how does one go about passing it aside from being clean.
3/6/2006 2:43:56 PM
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=how+to+pass+a+drug+testi've already done too much
3/6/2006 2:51:27 PM
smoke a whole much right before the test.there is an upper limit on the test, so if you're too high, it will screw things up and come back negative.
3/6/2006 2:52:18 PM
^ haha, thats hillarious
3/6/2006 2:58:26 PM
i dont think this guy knows what he is talking about
3/6/2006 3:50:00 PM
uhm. . .i thought an elevated white blood cell count was a sign of an infection, not a drug habit.
3/6/2006 4:38:23 PM
^^ exactly....ive never heard of a white blood cell count drug test until now.
3/6/2006 7:01:41 PM
^^ Often times it is. and a too low one indicates an immune system problem generally (not necissarily AIDS but that would be a possibility).
3/7/2006 11:37:04 AM