i'm looking for big batteries or packs to power a light. needs to be 14.4V or higher.. maybe old R/C car batteries.. anyone?
3/1/2006 5:58:25 PM
go buy the replacement batteries for the 14.4 volt store brand drill at northern tool. I think i paid 15 foir the driull with 1 14.4 volt nicad battery to have a throaway drill while my dewalt was being fixed.
3/3/2006 1:46:40 AM
actually i was planning on using drill batteries for this project, but for some reason my drill batteries (19.2v craftsman EX) will deliver like NO current and wont even turn an LED on.. i get more out of 4 AAs.. its weird. i have some old R/C batteries that are working ok, but theyre really old. i'll probably just buy some nimhs and make a pack
3/3/2006 9:17:40 AM
I do know that some of the high end drill batteries have on board chiups to avoid shorting them and burning them up or overcharging. You normally have to cut those out to use them as a power pack for other stuff.
3/3/2006 4:23:26 PM