...that my mom, age 53, just spent over $2,000 on a Dell XPS400 with a 24" flatscreen monitor and tons of other unnecessary crap....to check her email and play tetris?but in other matters, how decent of a computer is this?*cringe*
2/27/2006 9:34:44 PM
i wouldn't pay more than $500 to check e-mail and play tetris, on a laptop even]
2/27/2006 9:35:35 PM
she's foreign, and old.so the combined effect of being foreign, old AND female = bad electronics choices.unfortunately, she is very gullable and just about any salesperson can talk her into something totally unneeded
2/27/2006 9:39:45 PM
when i worked retail i loved people like your momthey always got me the big bonuses
2/27/2006 9:56:26 PM
And that is why if you work in a comission based retail job long enough, you will eventually barter away your soul. It's just the way of things. Look into those 30-40 year old guys working at radioshack. You think that vacant sad look in their eyes is just because they're 30-40 years old and working at radioshack? Well maybe, but it's also because their job has slowly forced them to trade their souls for comission.
2/27/2006 10:09:51 PM
that 24 inch monitor is leet sauce
2/27/2006 11:58:14 PM
i've got the equivilant of that pc before they made it an XPS.. mine's a dimension 9100the monitor is great and the rest of the pc is fine. i swapped out the video card when i bought the pc, but all i use this for now is work
2/28/2006 12:23:03 AM
[click]CANCEL ORDER[/click]
2/28/2006 12:29:03 AM
2405 is awesome XPS 400, not needed for your mom, but oh well if shes got the $ to blow....
2/28/2006 1:05:03 AM
tell her to stop IM'ing me plz
2/28/2006 3:09:33 AM