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 Message Boards » » iPods in class? Page [1]  
New Recruit
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Two questions for the group:

1) Would anyone here like to use an iPod as part of their classes?

2) What would make you change your mind?

Thanks for the input!

2/14/2006 1:25:30 PM

All American
6194 Posts
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1)If you want to give me an ipod, yes
2)see above

2/14/2006 1:26:51 PM

39171 Posts
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id rather use another device that could sync with outlook (or a similar program) so tasks and assignments could be easily delivered

but those devices dont have cool ads

2/14/2006 1:32:41 PM

New Recruit
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Ok. Let me ask this another way...

Would you like to have the ability to download classroom lectures? (to be played on pc, pda, mp3 player)

2/14/2006 1:38:28 PM

Gottfather FTL
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^yes, but you shouldn't target ipods. just make lectures downloadable. you can have an ipod format as an added thing or something. not everyone has an ipod, but everyone that does have an ipod can use software to convert the lecture to ipod format (mp4).

just a thought

2/14/2006 1:47:57 PM

39171 Posts
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Quote :
"^yes, but you shouldn't target ipods. just make lectures downloadable. you can have an ipod format as an added thing or something. not everyone has an ipod, but everyone that does have an ipod can use software to convert the lecture to ipod format (mp4).

just a thought"

2/14/2006 1:53:51 PM


18617 Posts
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It's not like you need to convert an mp3 to mp4 to play it on an iPod, either.

2/14/2006 2:15:31 PM

2633 Posts
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I am in some classes that are also taught as distance ed. The lectures are taped (video) and are put up for download. I've used them sometimes, it really helps to go back over stuff like that. Last year I had a similar class, but the lecture notes he used (the ones he wrote in class) were also put online as well, but that isn't as necessary with recorded video.

I would only use taped audio lectures if they had the notes to go with them. It wouldn't really help me to just hear the lecture over, and I would only use a recorded lecture if my notes or the book didn't make sense.

2/14/2006 2:21:27 PM

39171 Posts
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if they could somehow split up the lecture into topic headings it would make reviewing the lecture a lot easier
but even without that i would use it

2/14/2006 2:29:59 PM

All American
1160 Posts
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give us all ipods like duke does

2/14/2006 2:40:44 PM

Gottfather FTL
12586 Posts
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Quote :
"It's not like you need to convert an mp3 to mp4 to play it on an iPod, either."

i was thinking more along the lines of video lectures

and really, they should just offer a DVD of all the class lectures that the teacher puts together prior to the start of the semester. students should only attend class if they did not understand the dvd fully or if they wanted to go deeper into the material. that would cut down on class size so students that needed more attention could get it, and those that know their shit don't have to waste time going to class.

[Edited on February 14, 2006 at 3:25 PM. Reason : ]

2/14/2006 3:22:35 PM

25078 Posts
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some classes already allow you to download lectures (the .ppt they give as a lecture) - to incorporate it specifically into an ipod is a bad idea - to have the mp3 of the lecture online is okay - but attendance would typically be lower in those classes i'd bet

2/14/2006 3:31:31 PM

All American
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^I thought that was the point

2/14/2006 3:55:56 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"I would only use taped audio lectures if they had the notes to go with them. It wouldn't really help me to just hear the lecture over, and I would only use a recorded lecture if my notes or the book didn't make sense."

i could see audio lectures working well for foreign language classes.

2/14/2006 4:40:17 PM

All American
7240 Posts
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Look at how Dr. Switzer does his CH315 lectures online.

Shit's fantastic.

2/14/2006 7:02:38 PM

All American
3575 Posts
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agreed-- I did hear about the duke thing-- professors are "podcasting" lectures now, but I totally agree that lectures SHOULD be put online but NOT made ipod exclusive

that sounds like a little corporate scam... everyone (apple, ncsu) wins but the students who then have to BUY the ipod

2/14/2006 7:20:08 PM

All American
9166 Posts
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Quote :
"everyone (apple, ncsu) wins but the students who then have to BUY the ipod"

we pay enough damn tuition with annual increases to justify gettin free ipods from the school, like Duke.

2/14/2006 7:40:01 PM

All American
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^duke's yearly tuition is $25,000, dumbass. That's enough to get a masters here.

2/14/2006 7:52:05 PM

407 Posts
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I could really see somebody abusing that for tests.

And to answer the questions:
1) I would not.
2) Nothing.

2/14/2006 9:28:26 PM

39171 Posts
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its pretty easy to say no ipods during tests
lots of professors have that rule already anyways

2/14/2006 9:59:04 PM

All American
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1) I would like to use an iPod as part of my classes.

I'm in my car a lot, and having the lectures downloadable would be very handy for reviewing material before a test, or reviewing tricky material. I know that there are also some things missed when students are busy writing notes, and I could imagine that being able to hear the lectures after would help with retention and picking up on missed points as well.

I WOULD like to have these lectures available in a podcast format (ie: updated automatically via a RSS feed) - but I would still use them on a select basis (if I REALLY thought I missed something) if I had to manually download them.

2) My mind needn't be changed - I answered yes

Isn't a podcast (an "ipod specific") format just a mp3 + rss? That's my understanding and i'm failing to see how this limits it to an ipod only - as most music players convert from mp3 to their preferred format (if it isn't already mp3) when you upload it to your portable music player... please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.

2/14/2006 10:49:06 PM

39171 Posts
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he was talking about if they had video recordings, .mp4 isn't widely supported and would be stupid to use

2/14/2006 11:34:23 PM

All American
10491 Posts
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^the stupidity is strong in this thread

1. mpeg4 video is widely supported seeing as how it is a standard
2. H.264 playback is available on both platforms through *drumroll* quicktime

[Edited on February 15, 2006 at 12:21 AM. Reason : dfg]

2/15/2006 12:20:50 AM

39171 Posts
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lots of mobile media players cant play mp4
i had to install tcpmp on mine to play them and then hunt down all the codecs. i still cant play some mp4's

[Edited on February 15, 2006 at 1:15 AM. Reason : not many media players with quicktime]

2/15/2006 1:15:33 AM

Gottfather FTL
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^^and it isn't just the fact that it's in mp4 format. ipod videos are sized specifically for your ipod, so if you were going to watch it on your computer, it will be small as shit. they could just provide something simple like .wmv, .avi, .mpg, etc and you can convert it to whatever you want to watch it on whatever you want. i wouldn't want to have to watch a lecture video that was sized for an ipod on a computer, it would just be annoying.

2/15/2006 8:37:37 AM

3 of 11
All American
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2/15/2006 10:33:30 PM

All American
1687 Posts
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1. I already use my ipod in my class < -- I tape my lectures on it.

2. I dont want to use it for podcasts thought I suppose it would be nice

2/16/2006 12:18:23 AM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » iPods in class? Page [1]  
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