SPTP-LASER OPT COMIt looks like Kolbas has taught this the past couple of summers. I am thinking about taking it so I can graduate in August. Anybody take this Sum 04/05? I can't find any info on it. Prereq's? Is it related to any other classes or is it all new?
2/14/2006 10:20:04 AM
I took that class last semester. I guess that understanding the physics the univeristy teaches is helpful, but I thought that when I signed up for it, they had the prereq of 303. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I would say it was relatively challenging, but I learned a lot. I'm sure as long as you put in the effort, you should come out with a decent grade.
2/14/2006 1:35:02 PM
that junk is hard, I think you had to go to office hours to really get it. I dropped last summer before the first test. It was just too much for my summer. I heard tho that kolbas hooked everyone up in the end. I just couldn't take that risk
2/15/2006 12:17:39 AM
2/15/2006 11:58:14 AM
Kolbas is a damned fine teacher though
2/15/2006 12:41:52 PM
3/21/2006 9:28:17 AM
i took it last summer and loved it. Its hard, but kolbas is a damn good teacher and really easy to get along with. Our whole class ended up working on all the hws togeather and that made it more than bearable. It was one of my favorite classes at state (im graduating)
3/21/2006 7:19:21 PM
3/22/2006 11:14:24 AM