Anyone heard of his Deutsch guy before ?
2/8/2006 11:34:40 AM
he's the doucher who wanted NASA to put shit on its website about intelligent design and to say the big bang is just a "theory"
2/8/2006 11:37:15 AM
whoa whoa, he appointed a guy who graduated the same year as me? well, who SAID he graduated the same year as me?
2/8/2006 12:01:14 PM
2/8/2006 12:03:43 PM
you say that as if qualifications for the job are a part of bush's appointment process
2/8/2006 12:04:12 PM
2/8/2006 12:09:44 PM
This is sickening.And once again, no one will care.
2/8/2006 3:07:13 PM
he worked in public affairs, its not like he was designing satellites
2/8/2006 4:01:34 PM
even if he shouldn't need a "background check," one would think that a person doing public relations for nasa should probably at least have his resume checked out. Of course, if you drop out of school to help bush lie his way into the presidency, I suppose you're probably due a public relations job where they tell you to lie on your resume. I mean NASA probably knew he had lied as well, the prez just told them to accept it, and they figured nobody would know. whoops.
2/9/2006 8:51:49 AM
btwscore another one for the bloggers
2/9/2006 10:59:10 AM
damn, i need to become a friend of bush. haha
2/10/2006 12:28:32 PM