I run reports for people/departments on a somewhat regular and recurring basis. Instead of running the queries, bring the data into excel, formatting the report, and sending it along I would like to send those people/departments an excel workbook with the SQL querie(s) embedded, so they can just change a "Date of Sale" value (for example) to get their past months sales...as opposed to me having to run a new report every month. I know how to setup a data source in excel, run queries on that data source with Microsoft Query and export the data to excel but thats way too many steps for my lesser experienced computer users.Anyone know how to set up an SQL embedded workbook?
2/3/2006 2:37:06 PM
http://www.design-ireland.net/internet/browsing-12.php came up when i googled for ODBC mysql excel. followed the directions and replicated its results in 10 minutes. should work for you too
2/3/2006 3:08:45 PM
Excell VBA
2/3/2006 3:41:19 PM
Microsoft Reporting Services.
2/3/2006 4:34:12 PM
if the query is simple, run it in excel and use the autofilter feature. or they can just change the query if they so choose
2/3/2006 7:15:58 PM