They have to set up the entire circus tonight, should be interesting to watch. Also, they have to take down the circus on saturday night, and put up bball and then back to circus for monday and tuesday. Glad I dont work for them. is pretty cool too, its a video of the day they had bball, hockey, and a concert all in one.
2/1/2006 9:53:18 PM
circus set up?sports talk?huh?
2/1/2006 9:54:24 PM
this has never been done before
2/1/2006 9:54:47 PM
i remember going to the circus at dorton arena...i miss those days
2/1/2006 9:56:42 PM
2/1/2006 10:04:25 PM
I remember hockey in dorton arena. I don't really miss those days anymore, though
2/2/2006 12:15:33 PM
guess they're hiding the circus secrets now
2/2/2006 12:22:24 PM
I'd say contractual obligations prevent them from showing the arena during certain shows. This is probably one of them.
2/3/2006 8:31:51 AM
2/3/2006 10:06:23 AM
geez....what is the circus losing by someone checking out a still image thats updated once a minute? Like someone going to decide to save money on tickets by staying home and watching on a webcam.
2/3/2006 10:40:29 AM
^i am
2/3/2006 10:46:44 AM
2/3/2006 3:05:21 PM