Does anyone know where I could get generic heatsinks (that could be cut to size)? This isn't for a specific chip or chipset, but rather a custom board/project.
1/24/2006 1:50:24 PM
look up Garfus, and pm him
1/24/2006 2:13:01 PM
Okay, you've officially got me curious.
1/24/2006 2:27:12 PM
yeah, I have tons of heatsinks, come take a look at what I have anytime.
1/24/2006 2:53:41 PM
sweet, PM sent.
1/24/2006 3:18:01 PM
if you want something HUGEI've got a PAL8045 sitting in my closet collecting dust.can't use it on newer mobo's so its as good as the copper its made out of.$5.
1/24/2006 3:26:14 PM