in durham, and i have to say i enjoyed it. noting like not even having to leave your car to watch a movie.
1/8/2006 11:44:02 PM
oh so that's how those things work
1/8/2006 11:46:46 PM
Do what now?
1/8/2006 11:47:12 PM
k, McFly
1/8/2006 11:48:16 PM
starlite is awesome being a durham native that was 1 thing to look forward to. there's nothing like loungin in your own car while wathcin a movie. it's family owned and run and the refreshments are so cheap u're lookin at 6$ for a drink , frys and a burger. it's a great place to take a date just klet her kow u're not just taking her there to hump.
1/9/2006 1:37:46 AM
wait waityou take a girl to a drive in and she DOESN'T think you're there to hump?our generation has been programmed by old movies to think that's the POINT of drive ins
1/9/2006 7:36:07 AM
while i enjoy my cari rarely think"hey, i'd like to sit in here even when we're not moving, and you know what, lets throw a movie into the mix"
1/9/2006 9:34:02 AM
^ do you ever say anything positive about anything?You constantly make fun of everyone and every post like you have something to prove.The drive in is an awesome place and you are fat.Those two things i am positive of.
1/9/2006 9:37:06 AM
1/9/2006 10:13:42 AM
you sure are a nutriding tiger shark
1/9/2006 10:17:36 AM
nurse sharks are coolermean looking fuckers
1/9/2006 10:18:45 AM
Didn't the Starlite burn down last year?
1/9/2006 1:01:42 PM
^ Yes. It's been rebuilt.
1/9/2006 1:07:28 PM
ah, ok.Does anybody know how many Drive-Ins are still left in the US?
1/9/2006 2:00:56 PM
two? kidding. but i remember reading once that there are less than five in north carolina. one in durham, albemarle (where i'm from), and one i think in brevard. the other, if any, you can google.
1/10/2006 8:14:19 PM
there are 13 still operation in nc and almost 50 that used to exist in nc
1/10/2006 8:47:05 PM
i went a couple of times in PA before it was torn down and turned into a target. it was alright, but i would rather go to a regular theater or watch one at home.
1/10/2006 9:02:52 PM
I've never been, but I think it would be awesome and I want Starlite to stay in businessand this thread got 1000% funnier when Woodfoot/Panthro popped in ROFL ROFL ROFL
1/10/2006 9:12:56 PM
I know there is still one in Belmont, but I don't know if it's still operating.
1/11/2006 12:24:52 AM
theres one about 15 minutes away from me in Albemarle
1/11/2006 12:30:38 AM
the one in Savannah, Ga just got converted to a Wal-Mart
1/11/2006 12:31:36 AM
I like taking a station wagon, cause then you can hump lay down in the back and watch the movie with the car turned backwards.
1/11/2006 12:33:45 AM