i hear windvd is the best. is this true?
1/8/2006 7:41:36 PM
whichever outputs DTS and dolby digital out the SPDIF would be a winner IMO
1/8/2006 7:44:03 PM
I like winDVD
1/8/2006 8:16:27 PM
i liked windvd till i used nero
1/8/2006 8:38:16 PM
yeah showtime is pretty sweet
1/8/2006 8:42:49 PM
1/8/2006 11:18:24 PM
intervideo windvd
1/9/2006 12:17:08 AM
bous wins
1/9/2006 12:24:31 AM
windvd probably has more features, but is poorly coded. Not to mention, I get stuttering problems in windvd in windows 64 while watching a dvd.. where as WMP and PowerDVD run just fine..Download the trials for both programs and pick the one you like the best (pay attention to dvd quality, load times, how it handles the layer change, can you bypass the ads/fbi warnings.., and performance -does the framerate drop, does the movie freeze chapter to chapter-)
1/9/2006 1:53:00 AM
windows media player.[/thread]
1/9/2006 2:49:40 AM
windvd 5.ver 6 sucks goat balls. slow as hell to load and doesn't execute as quickly for me.
1/9/2006 4:21:39 AM
^ windvd 6 used uncompressed BMP files for their interface.. windvd 7 fixed that issue with a complete interface overhaul.
1/9/2006 9:10:50 AM