CH 101 003 CHEM MOLECULAR SCI 03.00 8/02 020100 CH 102 030 GEN CHEM LAB 01.00 8/02 020100 PY 123 001 STELLAR ASTRONOMY 03.00 8/05 020100 E PY 124 001 SOLAR SYST ASTRON 03.00 1/06 020100 GRP 804 SCIENCE ELECTIVE 02.00 020200 PY 125 007 ASTRONOMY LAB 01.00 1/06 020200 HI 321 001 ANCIENT MED SCIENC 03.00 8/05 020300 CH 102 030 GEN CHEM LAB Coreq 8/02 MET 020400 PY 125 007 ASTRONOMY LAB Coreq 1/06 IP 020400
1/8/2006 12:07:29 AM
Well the copy and paste made it slightly incoherent… but for some reason there are 2 hours of science classes listed as GRP 804 that I don’t understand.
1/8/2006 12:12:22 AM
For my classes with labs4 hours: Chemistry & Chem Lab4 hours: Astronomy 124 & Astronomy Lab3 hours: ANCIENT MED SCIENC3 hours: Astronomoy123According to the key-points curriculum guide 14 science hours are all I need. And its my understanding that the curriculum guide for the year you entered your major trumps the requirements degree audits list. And these 2 extra hours are something new on the degree audit, because the way me and my advisor had it figured when signing up for classes, the ones I choose would have me done with them this semester.
1/8/2006 12:18:39 AM
jake, it's ok to edit post
1/8/2006 1:07:30 AM
if i did edit post then the thread wouldn't look sexy and appealing with lots of replies... how would i get anyones attention???but still 2 new and random elective hours has to be some kind of mistake right? i mean they weren't there last semester.
1/8/2006 2:06:58 AM
Its just the computer on drugs To be serious- the degree audit has most likely picked up the courses in an order which understands, but does not match your intentions. Looks like it just needs to be fixed. You just need to need to see Dena Blankenhorn or Darnell Johnson in the dean's office in CHASS (106 Caldwell) to have them moved to the right places. The lab for the astronomy is in the wrong place - looks like it is switched with the second PY course. You are over in one area and under in another. Should be an easy fix. Just make them aware of it.
1/8/2006 8:39:09 AM
you can also contact Assistant Registrar - Arren Fisher.he works with degree audits that are making odd placements
1/8/2006 10:54:13 AM
thanks for the help... i'll try talking to one of those people in a few days. i'm glad its just an error, otherwise I wouldn't graduate this semester and I'm too broke to do any more undergrad.
1/8/2006 7:21:56 PM