saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
Everyone here is tired of his negative bulshit, so how about from now on when see a post started by him, just don't reply. Fuck him!! He'll go away eventually. 2/19/2002 2:18:47 AM
OgreWillYO Veteran 433 Posts user info edit post |
I second that motion 2/19/2002 3:51:53 PM
sober46an3 All American 47925 Posts user info edit post |
i second that emotion  2/19/2002 3:52:24 PM
Kev4Pack All American 25272 Posts user info edit post |
Nah he really hasn't done anything that warrants a ban. He's just posting stuff to piss people off, much like maximus and Grettir. 2/19/2002 4:10:13 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62551 Posts user info edit post |
dont feed the troll 2/19/2002 4:12:28 PM
CalliPHISH All American 10883 Posts user info edit post |
I dont like his negativity.... but he has every right to. 2/19/2002 7:35:25 PM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
check this out 2/19/2002 9:55:10 PM
Nrallen All American 13239 Posts user info edit post |
you guys are wuses 2/19/2002 10:34:13 PM
ncsustash All American 3421 Posts user info edit post |
just cuz he is a moron----he still has the right to bash state 2/19/2002 11:07:16 PM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
he offends everyone, it doesnt matter what, he just purposely says shit to get people going. He doesnt even go to State and all he does is cause problems, FUCK PEOPLE LIKE THAT. WHY DONT U GO INTO THE SPORTS FORUM and see for yourself. ITS SELF-EXPLANATORY 2/20/2002 1:54:09 AM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
why has he done anythign worth a ban?
he disagrees with you?
well i disagree with you on a lot of things volcom, if i recall correctly you created a theard directly aimed against a member of the ncsu basketball team, i didn't agree with it, so i'm thinking, maybe we should ban you as well 2/20/2002 10:05:53 AM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
why in the fuck are u defending this guy? he PURPOSELY starts shit with people, no because he believes it, just simply to fuck with people. And its the same thing EVERYTIME. He starts a thread that is direct oppositon to another thread, or its ANTI-State thread, or something along those lines. He is just starting threads to piss people off, and its getting fucking old. He is some Carolina or Duke Student (possibly an Xstudent), I can't tell because he jumps back and forth between both teams, that comes into our forums to incite problems with people. Just to irritate State fans. Frankly I am sick of the constant State threads he starts, if you doubt me, I will go and get the last 3 threads he has started and you can see for yourself. I still don't understand why you are sticking up for him, when you know he is a piece of shit. 2/20/2002 10:12:09 AM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
i never claimed he wasn't a piece of shit, i'm saying he hasn't done a single thing worth being banned over, he hasn't threatened other people (like the people who reply to his posts often do to him), he hasn't needlessly challenged people, he has offered his opinion, it doesn't agree with yours, is there a problem with not agreeing with you? 2/20/2002 10:37:15 AM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
which of these has he broken?
Quote : | "Go light with the insults - It is welcomed to attack someone's ideas but please refrain attacking character. Watch the language - it would be ridiculous to ask a bunch of college students to eliminate the use of foul language in their discussion, that is not what I am asking. Just keep the 4 letter words out of the subjects of the message. The idea is for any new user to have to click 3-4 times before he/she gets offended Don't incriminate yourself - There is always the chance that a member of law enforcement could browse this board. Do not post anything that will incriminate you or someone else. Post new threads in the right section - Save us the trouble of having to move your topic to the correct section. Post in the right section to begin with. Stay On-Topic - Try to stick with the topic. If you have something important to say that doesn't relate to the topic, then start a new topic. If you have something useless to say, keep it to yourself. Be thoughtful/humorous - Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it. No threads directed personally - Do you think the other thousand people on this site want to read some personal shit between you and your buddy? - NO. Use mail instead. Do not consecutively reply to a topic - If you are within the alloted timespan for editing a message that no one has replied to and you think of something to add, EDIT the message. DO NOT REPLY AGAIN. Constant abuse of this will not be tolerated. Do not fuck with the moderators - Not really a requirement, but more of a suggestion. A key suggestion: If they contact you in private about an issue, reply back in private. There is nothing that pisses them off more than you publicly broadcasting information meant for just you. " |
[Edited on February 20, 2002 at 10:41 AM. Reason : ,.] 2/20/2002 10:39:45 AM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
if you had read a 4th of his posts, u might know 2/20/2002 12:24:47 PM
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
well... why don't you tell me? 2/20/2002 2:22:14 PM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
no thanks, this is stupid, i dont feel like going back and looking thru all his posts, u go right on sticking up for him, I dont care. This is ridiculous! 2/20/2002 2:52:33 PM
ncsusocc Veteran 313 Posts user info edit post |
awww.. welcome to the real world you sheltered wussy!.. whose job is it to protect you from gettin offended. freedom of speech remember. grow up or go tell the principal that someone is sayin bad things cuz we (or at least I) dont care 2/20/2002 3:17:13 PM
VolcomWolf All American 6659 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on February 20, 2002 at 10:18 PM. Reason : sadfadaf]
2/20/2002 10:18:24 PM