Y'know, that priority we were supposed to be taking seriously now that we've actually been struck on the mainland? Turns out it's not going so well.http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/12/05/911.commission.ap/index.html
12/5/2005 3:42:50 PM
i would sayblame the terroristsbut thats me
12/5/2005 3:52:37 PM
Minor anecdotal bit here: My brother-in-law heads a SWAT and NARC unit in a major NC city. He says they have loads of funding (and have had it for awhile) but have trouble finding areas to spend it on. They just don't want to waste it on anything. A lot of focus on training with the military and buying the obvious but basically departments are running into trouble simply deciding what to do with their money. They can buy all the gear they want but if they don't have the time or method for training then its pointless (every other department is vying for the same limited slots). Everyone knows thar while there is urgency that doing things quickly but wrong serves no purpose, false sense of secuirty. Probably the biggest shortage is in man-power. We simply need a much larger "police" force to be able to give things the attention that is wanted.
12/5/2005 4:30:43 PM
Incompatible radio bands or absence of detectors in major cargo terminals isn't a problem of manpower. Plus if they have money and don't have people, why don't they... (attention! example of novel thinking!!1)... hire someone?
12/5/2005 5:39:00 PM
12/5/2005 6:29:48 PM
this just in -- the administration is all talk and mostly fucking up.
12/5/2005 7:48:32 PM
They are just letting security stay lax so another terrorist attack can occur, and they will have another reason to start another war and pass more fascist legislation like the Patriot and Real ID acts.
12/5/2005 8:19:14 PM
12/5/2005 8:32:25 PM
they hate our freedoms
12/5/2005 8:56:56 PM
12/5/2005 11:21:51 PM
12/9/2005 3:56:26 PM
Everyone already knows exactly how you feel. As soon as I saw that you had posted in this thread I knew what you had written. There is no need for you to continually post this nonsense, especially since you claim that your time is so valuable.
12/9/2005 4:17:41 PM