the trend of disgustingly horrible movies based on video games continues...and amazingly enough this one is not being directed by Uwe Boll. Being directed by Corey Yuen...which is kind of a shame, since I like alot of the stuff he's done (Transporter, fight choreography for several of Jet Li's movies, including Hero and Kiss of the Dragon), though it does explain some of the stranger fight sequences in that trailer.But, judging from that trailer, this is going to be bad...very very bad. Looks like all they kept from the game were character names, the title, Kasumi's outfit....and Ayane's purple hair. Ugh...
11/23/2005 11:07:32 PM
looks like KILL BILL with more girls, but that's not a bad thing. good-looking fight scenes.
11/23/2005 11:27:17 PM
they should make a movie based on the volleyball game
11/23/2005 11:54:14 PM
the writers previous credits include Bill Nye, the Science Guy, no way this can lose
11/24/2005 12:00:14 AM