Anyone have experience with any specific ones? Anything you like about them? The current one is the built in one and it's doing a pretty crappy job. In a perfect world it would filter out emails with "Viagra" and others in it as well as let me add specific email addresses and even domains to it. What are your experiences?
11/22/2005 3:29:55 PM
Funny - I was just looking at these yesterday. I'm tempted to try Cloudmark's Server product. I've had a few people I know use the Desktop version w/ pretty good results...Just a thought.
11/22/2005 3:53:35 PM
Brightmail is good. Used it in a few places.Spam is rampant today! One of our account has seen a 1500+ increase today.Some FBI spam and another virus.
11/22/2005 3:54:35 PM
i got a letter from the cia today saying they had tracked my IP address to visiting 30 illegal websitesand that the list of websites i illegally accessed was in a zip file, and inside the zip file was a .exe (i looked at it on my apple)
11/22/2005 5:22:06 PM
I setup 2 incoming spam filter boxes running Sendmail/MailScanner/SpamAssasin. on lunix.They are our two mx records and they both filter mail and send the good stuff thru to our primary mail server (Domino).
11/22/2005 5:48:11 PM
sweet thanks. I'll start checking them out. Linux isn't an option for this operation or I would explore that. I'm lucky enough that our small company has a separate server for Exchange so I can just put it on there as well.
11/22/2005 5:54:17 PM