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All American
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Does anyone out there know what goes into applying for a permit??? Can you give me some details on this. Thanks

11/9/2005 1:06:24 PM

68205 Posts
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did you try searching other threads for this topic

11/9/2005 1:07:52 PM

All American
7565 Posts
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you take a class (costs a lil bit of $$)
you submit documentation that you took the class
you submit proper form and more $$$

you wait like 30-90 days

you get a call about it and go pick it up

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 1:09 PM. Reason : oh and you can buy guns without waiting once you have the permit ]

11/9/2005 1:08:06 PM

All American
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Talk to a local gun shop. They usually have information on where you can go to take a concealed carry class. Be warned, the whole process can cost upwards of $200, I wound up paying about $180 for mine.

11/9/2005 1:14:47 PM

All American
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holy shit man

def don't cost that much

i paid like 130 tops

11/9/2005 1:15:44 PM

All American
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take the class at one of the local gunshops ranges like $100 plus ammo

apply for permit upstairs at the wake county sheriff's office downtown, across from the courthouse. its $80, plus $10 for two sets of fingerprints, which get done there too.

wait- I forget how long it takes

get permit- just go to the sheriffs office and they give you all the info you need

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 3:24 PM. Reason : -]

11/9/2005 3:24:22 PM

All American
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a couple of my buddies did it.
they said you learn a lot of cool stuff/info/facts in the class. they were always telling me some stuff they learned that may not be common knowledge...
then they did the "field" part of the class where you shoot a target... and they said you can't fail it unless you are really trying to fail it.

11/9/2005 3:54:06 PM

All American
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so other than pretending you're a secret agent, what exactly is the practical purpose of carrying a gun?

11/9/2005 4:14:51 PM

39171 Posts
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wheres a good place for an intro handgun class for someone without any knowledge
and how much would it cost

11/9/2005 4:16:34 PM

All American
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even if you have a concealed permit you still can't carry a gun anywhere

for example you can't take the gun:
-anyplace that has a sign posted that says no concealed weapons
-any place that sells alcohol for most restaurants
-schools (duh)
-any place where you need a ticket for admission (movies, concerts, etc...)
-any law enforcement or correctional facility
-any place occupied by state or federal employees
-financial institutions
-areas of assembly, funerals, demonstrations, parades, assemblies

11/9/2005 4:26:14 PM

39171 Posts
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i didnt think putting up a sign automatically meant you couldnt carry
i dont know, i just remember someone saying that who did

11/9/2005 4:27:47 PM

All American
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They'll hook ya up

11/9/2005 4:28:07 PM

All American
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this pdf has all you need to know....
page 13 of the PDF file tells how to get a concealed carry permit

keep reading and it tells where you cannot take the gun...
one of them says,
any premises, except state owned rest areas or stops along the highways,
where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the
posting of a conspicuous notice or statement by the person in legal
possession or control of the premises.

11/9/2005 4:31:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"even if you have a concealed permit you still can't carry a gun anywhere"

exactly...most places it would be useful to be armed.

i still might get mine for ease of transport, though.

11/9/2005 4:54:04 PM

All American
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Pretty much what everyone else said. Mine was:

$80 - Class at PDHSC
$10 - Fingerprints downtown
$70 - Permit application

2 weeks later, I got a phone call saying my permit was ready for pickup. Roommate also got his just as quickly.

11/9/2005 4:56:18 PM

All American
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2 weeks is quickly? guess i'm spoiled by the technological age

11/9/2005 5:23:28 PM

All American
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it took my friend's almost a month...he called after the 2 weeks and they said they were backed up...took a while

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 5:30 PM. Reason : ya]

11/9/2005 5:30:18 PM

All American
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Took me 2 weeks in Wake county, but it took my bf 5 months in New Hanover, because they kept losing pieces of his paperwork.

11/9/2005 5:53:38 PM

Trauma Specialist
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I want to get the License to teach the class. I figure it'd be a good way to make a few extra bucks and there seems to be some demand for it... anybody have a clue where I could get info on that?

11/9/2005 6:30:38 PM

All American
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It's on the Attorney General website.

11/9/2005 6:31:45 PM

17379 Posts
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don't go to Davi's. way overpriced.
we've bought 2 guns from them and they rock.

also walmart has a brochure at the sporting good counter about it usually.

[Edited on November 9, 2005 at 6:36 PM. Reason : ]

11/9/2005 6:35:55 PM

All American
850 Posts
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that's the company where me and a buddy took our class
pretty good guys

I think I've seen their pamphlets in wal-marts around here

11/9/2005 6:46:52 PM

All American
6249 Posts
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omg whoever consults Tdub above any other website on the intarweb does not need a gun.

Furthermore, man the fuck up and tuck that shit in your pants. You dont need a fuckin CC permit. Just dont be stupid with it.

11/9/2005 7:14:30 PM

2633 Posts
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Can you take the class before you are 21?

11/9/2005 11:03:46 PM

Starting Lineup
91 Posts
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Quote :
"wheres a good place for an intro handgun class for someone without any knowledge
and how much would it cost"

Jon, the Wake County Firearms Training and Education Center is working on offering a range (no pun intended) of classes. I'm not sure when they will begin offering them or how much they will cost though.

Looks like PDHSC also offers classes, but I have no experience with them.

11/9/2005 11:11:02 PM

All American
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^^I took the class before I was 21. I believe its up to the place teaching the class as to whether they let you.

11/9/2005 11:25:22 PM

2633 Posts
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Where did you take it?

11/9/2005 11:55:39 PM

All American
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PDHSC also allows you to take it before you turn 21.

11/10/2005 12:31:21 AM

2633 Posts
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aw hell yeah

11/10/2005 12:32:48 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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if they already have your fingerprints do you have to pay again?

11/10/2005 12:34:05 AM

All American
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^^^^ I took it at Shooters Choice in Wilmington, so that probably doesn't help you much.

11/10/2005 8:41:13 AM

All American
10892 Posts
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Quote :
"man the fuck up and tuck that shit in your pants. You dont need a fuckin CC permit. Just dont be stupid with it."

Uh, WRONG. You need a CC permit for ANY type of concealment, including if the weapon is tucked into your pants and beneath your shirt. By North Carolina law, if the weapon is within an arm's reach and not in visible sight, it is concealed. If a weapon is concealed and you do not have a permit, it is illegal to carry it concealed. Hell, even if you have a permit you still cannot legally conceal the weapon unless you also have the permit with you.

In conclusion, ImYoPusha, it is you who does not need a gun. You should also probably do the rest of us a favor and get off of the "intarweb."

11/10/2005 8:55:11 AM

76471 Posts
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someone's sarcasm detector is broken.

11/10/2005 9:26:46 AM

All American
6249 Posts
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Quote :
"Uh, WRONG. You need a CC permit for ANY type of concealment, including if the weapon is tucked into your pants and beneath your shirt. By North Carolina law, if the weapon is within an arm's reach and not in visible sight, it is concealed. If a weapon is concealed and you do not have a permit, it is illegal to carry it concealed. Hell, even if you have a permit you still cannot legally conceal the weapon unless you also have the permit with you."

gg there sleuth

Quote :
"In conclusion, ImYoPusha, it is you who does not need a gun. You should also probably do the rest of us a favor and get off of the "intarweb.""


In conclusion, umbrellawoman, it is you who needs to understand that this is the internet. And regardless of how much better you feel about yourself after googling some gun laws, and quoting them on TWW, you still suck at life. You should also probably do the rest of us a favor and kill yourself.


11/10/2005 10:01:29 AM

All American
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i'm still waiting for someone to tell me the point of carrying a gun in the first place

11/10/2005 10:11:35 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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b/c it gives that person a sense of security and can be used for self defense

11/10/2005 10:25:15 AM

All American
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so if someone tries to mug you, are you legally allowed to shoot to kill?

11/10/2005 10:27:45 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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i'm 6'5" 265 pounds, but i keep my handgun in the glovebox and one near my bed

11/10/2005 10:27:55 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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you can legally shoot to kill if he poses an immediate threat to your health and he isn't in the process of running away...must be self defense...if he's taken ur wallet and is running away, he's no longer a threat and then it would be no, but if he is in ur face w/ a knife or walkin up with a knife saying give me your money, human target practice

in the 2nd situation...insert the quote "never bring a knife to a gun fight", then pull the trigger

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 10:29 AM. Reason : spelling]

11/10/2005 10:29:15 AM

All American
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my friends that took the concealed carry class said the instructor told them..
not to pull the gun out unless you plan to use it. if you aren't going to use it, don't pull it out.
in addition, there is no such thing as a warning shot, never fire a "warning shot"...b/c you've already shot the gun in the eyes of the law

11/10/2005 10:29:20 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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my warning shot is in the knee, then goes to the chest or head...gun in my car has a laser mounted on after he's shot in the knee and sees a dot on his head or chest, i think he'll get the message

11/10/2005 10:30:42 AM

All American
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yeah that's ok.
i'm saying don't fire a warning shot into the air or something...

11/10/2005 10:31:11 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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u don't need a concealed permit to realize that

11/10/2005 10:34:06 AM

All American
850 Posts
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an intentional shot to the knee will get you a nice lawsuit

with the reasoning being, if you didnt need to use deadly force, you shouldnt have been shooting at all
the person shot could successfully argue that he posed no threat to life, and the shot in the knee proves it

11/10/2005 10:40:13 AM

All American
10892 Posts
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Quote :

Good comeback. I'm so scared.

Quote :
"In conclusion, umbrellawoman, it is you who needs to understand that this is the internet."

What does this have to do with anything?

Quote :
"And regardless of how much better you feel about yourself after googling some gun laws, and quoting them on TWW..."

I didn't google them. This wasn't a simple matter of "find the first search result, copy/paste all the text I find and then stroke my e-cock." As a CC permit owner, I have to actually be familiar with the laws governing CC. I've already had a class on the various laws and, while I can't recite every last statute number from memory, I've learned pretty much what every law is about.

Quote :
" still suck at life. You should also probably do the rest of us a favor and kill yourself."

I'd agree, if not for the fact that I DON'T suck at life.

Quote :

You're welcome.

Quote :
"someone's sarcasm detector is broken."

Alright, if this is the case then I'm sorry.

Quote :
"an intentional shot to the knee will get you a nice lawsuit"

I'm afraid that he's right. I think the reasoning is more along the lines of "if you had time to line up the shot on a target as small as the knee cap, you weren't in imminent danger," but quacko is basically right.

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 11:54 AM. Reason : asdf]

11/10/2005 11:53:32 AM

Douche Bag
Fcuk you
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if u qualify for the concealed permit, u had to pass a shooting test, part of which u draw ur weapon from a holster and have to get off X amount of shots in X amount of time...this would prove that u can draw, aim, and fire accurately in a timely manner...needless to say, if i have a laser on the gun that is tuned, i don't have much aiming to do...

shot to the knee is if he's approaching me w/ a weapon out and has threatened me...if he was closer or able to attack, i'd killhim.

i'd rather be judged by twelve then carried by six

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ]

11/10/2005 12:09:44 PM

All American
10892 Posts
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Quote :
"if u qualify for the concealed permit, u had to pass a shooting test, part of which u draw ur weapon from a holster and have to get off X amount of shots in X amount of time..."

Rly? For my shooting test I didn't have to draw. We only had to aim and shoot X shots in X time. Then again, I used a rental gun and didn't have a holster; would this make a difference, then?

Quote :
"i'd rather be judged by twelve then carried by six"

No doubt, but if I'm gonna be judged I'm not gonna take any more chances than I have to with regards to legality. You should always at least have the basic four questions covered:

Was I in imminent danger?
Would somebody of sound judgement have done the same thing?
Did I instigate or provoke the confrontation?
Did I use excessive force?

If the first two aren't "yes" and the second two aren't "no," your case for self-defense isn't air tight, and you can probably kiss your gun-toting privileges goodbye.

Given the choice between dying and going to trial, I'm sure I'd pick the trial. But if that is the case, I want to be able to say that I didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure that taking a life is no fun and I don't ever want it to come to that, but I'll be damned if I, a responsible gun owner, get punished for exercising self-defense.

11/10/2005 12:28:09 PM

All American
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Never just shoot them in the knee. who knows they could be on PCP and not realize the pain. Plant a few in his center mass, and make sure hes down and DEAD. anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. bullets are cheap.

I'd rather die than go to trial, but you're goddamn sure I'll take the other fucker with me

[Edited on November 10, 2005 at 12:46 PM. Reason : .]

11/10/2005 12:44:54 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Quote :
"not to pull the gun out unless you plan to use it. if you aren't going to use it, don't pull it out.
in addition, there is no such thing as a warning shot, never fire a "warning shot"...b/c you've already shot the gun in the eyes of the law"

i'd amend that to "don't draw your weapon unless you're ready and willing to use it." but yeah, no warning shots.

Quote :
"an intentional shot to the knee will get you a nice lawsuit

with the reasoning being, if you didnt need to use deadly force, you shouldnt have been shooting at all
the person shot could successfully argue that he posed no threat to life, and the shot in the knee proves it"

exactly. if it's bad enough that you have to shoot someone, it's bad enough to justify a double-tap to the chest. plus, hitting someone in the knee under pressure might be easier said than done.

not to mention the fact that i only want one story told in the courtroom.

11/10/2005 12:55:42 PM

22518 Posts
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oh, if you can flee you are supposed to do that too

unless it is your home, your property or your place of business

11/10/2005 3:32:53 PM

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