Change your career. Web development is not your gig.Worst.Fucking.System.Ever.
10/17/2005 9:20:31 PM
they'll cry about it all the way to the bank
10/17/2005 9:23:12 PM
the hibeler online system is pretty bad too
10/17/2005 10:31:30 PM
what will happen since they got bought out, will it be blackboard or will it stay seperate?
10/17/2005 10:33:32 PM
it's like they've never heard of a message board beforewhy should I have to check a topic and then click view thread?
10/18/2005 12:34:16 AM
WebCT was miles better than Vista.That crap locks up any computer I've used for about 3 seconds every time I logout.
10/18/2005 12:38:30 AM
they merged with blackboard recently. apparently someone thought they were worth more than 100 million. I think thats pure bullshit
10/18/2005 7:59:55 AM
Yea the message board, im glad someone knows what I'm talking about. They implemented this asinine message board system thats inferior to PHPboard v3, nay, inferior to PERL based message boards. Not only does it open your reply box in a new window, but the message box won't resize with the window. This is one of many many issues I have with that website.
10/18/2005 1:10:52 PM
they should have used crazywebit is the slimest messageboard setup everi cant stand shit in phpbb because there are the sigs and avartarsi have no idea what the poster wants to say
10/18/2005 1:17:37 PM
^Yeah I know what you mean. They will reply to something that someone says with "lol" but then they will have some stupid quote that is like three sentences long and a picture of some screenshot from a game, then under their name they will have a bunch of stars and a date and a picture of something else.
10/18/2005 1:44:04 PM