LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
Okay, frustrated, slightly.
I owen a 2000 Honda Civic LX, that's always given me pretty decent gas mileage.
Of the past 4 tanks, i've only gotten decent milage on 1, (last one) and now this one i'm getting pretty crappy mileage again.
I have- chainged the oil, and me and a car buddy did it and used much nicer stuff than jiffy lube would have. Checked the tire pressure- it's good. Run a fuel injector cleaner through it. Changed the spark plugs which were a bit worn to a platinum kind.
3 mo ago- AC system replaced, brake job done.
It's not absolutely due for any major maintenance right now- I'm planning on getting a transmission fluid change and a power steering fluid change and mabe brake fluid, but i'm using the mileage for heavy driving in normal conditions, and i dont really do heavy driving. I'm at about 65K miles right now, and figure that while i need to get that done, it shouldnt be whats causing the sudden and relatively large drop in mileage.
I usually get 280 miles w/o AC on a bit less than 10 gallons, and about 245-250 with AC (not great but hey). Now i'm getting about 200-210 on the same.
My AC compressor and the entire AC system almost were replaced about 3 months ago. (The compressor self destructed and took out things with it).
At this point, i'm beginning to wonder if somebody either at my complex or while i'm parked on centennial isn't siphoning gas, but that seems a tad paranoid to me. Any thoughts or suggestions?
[Edited on September 30, 2005 at 11:15 PM. Reason : .] 9/30/2005 11:14:18 PM
EhSteve All American 7240 Posts user info edit post |
change your air and fuel filters 9/30/2005 11:22:43 PM
LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
^ I know how to change an air filter (easy). How does one change a fuel filter?
Oh and i did change the oil filter when i changed the oil. ehe. 9/30/2005 11:24:42 PM
MiniMe_877 All American 4414 Posts user info edit post |
buy a locking gas cap if you're really paranoid, they're not expensive 9/30/2005 11:25:09 PM
optmusprimer All American 30318 Posts user info edit post |
post your mileages for the last 4 tanks 9/30/2005 11:35:17 PM
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
locking gas cap just to be sure. 9/30/2005 11:36:59 PM
Igor All American 6672 Posts user info edit post |
lose a few pounds 10/1/2005 2:08:53 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Pre cat O2 sensor? But then you might have an error code and an illuminated MIL.
Go plug it up at Autozone. 10/1/2005 2:11:42 AM
10410 Posts user info edit post |
PCV Valve as well if it hasn't been changed. 10/1/2005 7:02:03 AM
Wolfpackman All American 1882 Posts user info edit post |
I've heard the gas companies have lowered their refinement standards and such with the hurricanes and shortages of gas, so maybe this shittier gas could lead to the bad mileage. 10/1/2005 9:10:14 AM
underPSI tillerman 14088 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Of the past 4 tanks, i've only gotten decent milage on 1, (last one) and now this one i'm getting pretty crappy mileage again." |
change your gas station. 10/1/2005 9:11:04 AM
graphite Veteran 217 Posts user info edit post |
I got 34.5 mpg in the last tank in my 100k 98 EX. how many miles does your car have on it? It might need new ignition parts (rotor, cap, wires, plugs).. 10/1/2005 6:38:42 PM
LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
65K miles, plugs already got changed about 1k miles ago. The rest of it (wires etc) did not. 10/1/2005 7:20:52 PM