i'm taking this jsp/servlets class at school. i do my development at home via eclipse and run my servlets locally using tomcat. then upload my .class files to a server where my instructor can see them and grade them.i have to import some special .jar files (servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar) into eclipse so that Eclipse can resolve objects such as javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. These .jar files come in the tomcat_install_dir\common\lib\. i've got this working just fine and had no problems with last week's homework assignment -- when i upload the .class files that Eclipse generates to the server at school everything works fine.now I'm doing this week's homework assignment which requires the use of the Jakarta Commons package that can be downloaded from apache.org. i've got everything working just fine locally but when i upload to the server, i get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/beanutils/BeanUtils coreservlets.beans.BeanUtilities.populateBean(BeanUtilities.java:52)
9/21/2005 1:44:42 PM
tomcat will include jars in the following directories:tomcat_install_dir\common\libtomcat_install_dir\shared\libtomcat_install_dir\webapps\webappname\WEB-INF\libThe first is (i believe) used by tomcat as wellthe shared is if multiple webapps are going to need the same jarthe webapp is any custom code for only the webappIn the past, ive added them to either common or to the webapp (from a server i have running at home). If you have access, look in the directories to make sure the jar you're using is there, and also to make sure you're using the same version of the file (BeanUtils might not be in the one on the server?)Webapps can be a pain to configure, so have fun bashing your head
9/21/2005 10:27:46 PM
I have used Tomcat a lotand gotta say that JBoss is a lot better.
9/21/2005 10:33:41 PM
hey thanks for the tip. i put the commons jar in~username/public_html/WEB-INF/liband it worked great on the server.
9/22/2005 10:27:43 PM
i fucking take the brute-force approach throw the .class .lib files in every directory that already has a bundle of them. (don't take this advice too seriously)
9/22/2005 11:14:20 PM
^^^what is with the aversion to providing useful help?
9/23/2005 2:01:44 PM
sorry mon
9/23/2005 7:08:19 PM