For Oddnumbers fans...Come to The Brewery on Monday night, Sept. 26 for a $3 show, featuring Oddnumbers.It's College Night, so drinks are cheap! Hang out, see a show and get drunk. $1.00 Cans$1.25 Domestic Bottles$1.75 Import Bottles$2.00 Well DrinksDoors at 9 pm.
9/21/2005 10:05:54 AM
9/21/2005 10:17:24 AM
Hmm... That link doesn't seem to work for me.
9/21/2005 4:32:46 PM
9/22/2005 9:06:13 PM
they local? never heard of them
9/22/2005 11:35:38 PM
odd numbers is the shit
9/23/2005 1:33:50 AM
Brooks, you need to check these guys out.
9/23/2005 4:48:49 PM
9/25/2005 1:49:04 PM
Tomorrow night.
9/25/2005 3:14:19 PM
$1 Beer and ODDNUMBERS TONIGHT!!9:30 pm
9/26/2005 5:38:35 PM