I haven't seen any debate on SLI systems since November of last year.have they gotten any better? can anyone justify buying two 300$-600$ NVIDA cards?I don't know if i should just buy one 400$ NVIDA card or buy two cheap 200$ cards and run SLI.
9/16/2005 8:51:53 PM
I'd buy one nice card, and add another when the prices fall and requirements rise.
9/16/2005 9:32:58 PM
SLI:still bullshit
9/17/2005 1:57:28 AM
9/17/2005 1:07:44 PM
9/17/2005 6:02:46 PM
fact of the matter is, it doesn't help much except at high resolutions and high levels of filters. So if you don't run either of those than it's definitley not worth it.If you run 1600x1200 it MIGHT be justifiable if you really are crazy about quality.Buying a single card and replacing it later will be cheaper and last longer than an SLI setup. It's only for the really high end for a reason. It's lavish and doesn't get much of a performance increase for the premium you pay.
9/18/2005 12:48:24 AM
IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY and can spare it, do it, otherwise don't.
9/18/2005 12:27:31 PM
I bought the ASUS a8n SLI board, but i doubt i'll use the SLI. I also bought a 6800GT 256MB to go in it.
9/18/2005 1:08:16 PM